Chapter - 42

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In the midnight, Shivani walked into the balcony as she could not sleep. She saw Rudra sitting on the bench who seemed visibly disturbed. He was looking down and pressing in head in frustration.

Shivani MV: What happened to him? He seemed to be upset?

She contemplated for sometime if she should go to him or not. But finally decided to go to him. As she went there and stood in front of him. Rudra saw her and asked,

Rudra: Have you not slept? What are you doing here?

Shivani: I didn't get sleep. You seem upset Sir! Is there anything I should help you with.

She asked sincerely.

Rudra: No Shivani! I am fine. I just came for some fresh air. You should sleep. It's already late.

He said in a tone that is so strange to her. He sounded low and defeated. So, instead of going away she decided to give him company. So, she sat beside him. Rudra saw her beside him and asked annoyed,

Rudra: What do you want now??

Shivani: I don't want anything from you. I also came for fresh air. You collect your fresh air. I will collect mine.

Rudra sighed and shook his head. They both sat in silence for sometime. Shivani broke the silence again,

Shivani: If there is anything bothering you, you can share with me. Sometimes burden will be off if we share it.

Rudra: It is none of your concern. Can you leave me alone for sometime.

He said rudely. Shivani is hurt. But she understood that he has some stress and continued to give him company in silence.

Rudra MV: Does the past come in front of us again. What if ma comes to know about that woman's cruelty to Nithya? Will it open her old wounds? Does that woman hurt Nithya or ma! I need to increase their security.

His thoughts are broken by Shivani again.

Shivani: The climate is good na. I wish it rains now.

Rudra closed and opened his eyes in frustration. But Shivani is not stopping,

Shivani: Do you also like rain Sir? You know I love rain.

Rudra: Are you crazy? I told you to leave me alone right? Why are you still here? Out!!

He said with slight irritation in his tone. Shivani rolled her eyes and left from there. After sometime she came again with a cup in her hand. Rudra looked at her with a blank face now.

Shivani: What? This is coffee for you. You seem so upset over something. I understand that and you are not willing to share. Atleast have this coffee and then break your head.

Rudra looked at her dangerously. But she didn't budge. He looked at her as if she has grown horns. But a smile formed on his lips thinking that she didn't leave him alone considering that he is upset. This made him so happy internally. He took the cup from her hand and moved aside giving her more space to sit.

Rudra: Sit!

He said softly. Shivani obliged and sat in silence. She is looking every where but him.

Rudra: So you have been trying to lift my mood because I am upset.

Shivani: no! Who told you that?

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