Chapter - 27

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Rudra saw her sleeping on his shoulder and patted her head with care. After some time they reached home. Rudra patted her cheeks and tried to wake her up.

Rudra: Shivani! Wake up. We are home.

But there is no response from her. He sighed defeatedly and came to her side. He scooped her in his hands and lifted in bridal side and walked inside.

Meera who has been waiting for him was shocked and gasped audible at the sight in front of her. She went towards them and asked,

Meera: What is this Rudra?

Rudra thought that his mother would have slept. He didn't expect her to be waiting for him. He felt embarassed standing with a girl in his arms in front of his mother.

Rudra: I will tell you ma! Let me first take her to the room.

Meera nodded her head and moved aside. Rudra took Shivani to the guest room and made her sleep on the bed. He adjusted the ac temperature and covered her with duvet. He went to the living room.

As he went there he saw Meera sitting on the couch worried. He went and sat down near her legs. Meera saw him and asked worriedly.

Meera: What happened Rudra? Why did you bring her here and why is she not conscious?

He explained to her the happenings in the party. She looked worried listening to him.

Rudra: Don't worry ma. Nothing happened. She accidentally drank alcohol in the party and slept. She didn't have keys to her flat. So, I brought her here.

Meera studied him for some time and asked,

Meera: Do you like her Rudra?

Rudra: What are you talking ma!! There is nothing like that. I just helped her because she is unconscious.

He said not meeting her eyes.

Meera: Really! Then there are many ways you can help her. There are many flats the company offers accomodation. There are many hotels in the city. You could have dropped her at any place. The least you could have handed over her responsibility to some one else. But you choose none of them. You carried her home. Taking care of her. What else do you want me to think? This is not the first time I am seeing you like this around her. You are the same when she came home earlier also. I have been noticing you.

Meera cupped his face and said,

Meera: Don't you want to share it with your ma!

Rudra got up and sat beside her keeping his head in her lap. He took her hand and kept it above his head. Meera smiled and started caressing his hair.

Rudra: You are right ma! I like her. I like her so much.

Meera smiled at his confession and asked,

Meera: You like her or you love her Rudra?

Rudra saw his mother who is smiling and said,

Rudra: I love her.

Meera: Did you tell her?

Rudra shook his head as no.

Meera: Why?

Rudra got up from her lap and said,

Rudra: I am scared ma! What if she rejects and go away.

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