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Think I'm going through a writing slump. I have absolutely no motivation and I'm hating everything I'm writing HOW DO I GET OUT? Helpppp

Also if this is awful... its really late for me rn! Brains asleep.

Cassidy's hands trembled within her lap. She looked over at Taylor from the edge of their hotel bed, the blonde giving her a smile filled with nothing but reassurance and strength.

"You've got it, baby. Just say everything you feel is necessary, and I'll be right here if it gets too hard," Taylor comforted her, nodding her head gently at the phone camera they'd set up.

Cassidy nodded back, skimming over the notes they'd written one last time before placing them aside. She knew the general idea of what she was going to say but she also knew most of this needed to come from the heart.

She pressed record before looking directly into the camera, her eyes filled with a mixture of determination and vulnerability.

"Hi. It's umm... been a while since I posted on here," she said softly and cleared her throat, "This is probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to post so please bear with me. I just know I can't put it off any longer. I've been quiet about this for a long time, but in light of recent events it is clear that I need to speak up."

Cassidy looked over at Taylor who smiled, encouraging her to continue by throwing two thumbs up. The brunette smiled back before taking a deep breath and sitting up straighter.

"There have been a lot of rumours about me over the past few months, particularly from someone named Jet Halton, who's made some pretty terrible accusations - that I cheated on my ex-boyfriend, Pierce, that I'm a liar, a snake... honestly, it's been pretty heartbreaking to see these lies spread, especially when the truth is far more painful than I ever wanted to admit."

She shifted in her seat, her voice breaking slightly. She knew explaining this part was going to be difficult but feeling Taylor's presence made it easier. It felt weird knowing that people may finally hear her out.

"Pierce and I were together for 3 years, and at first, things were good. But... umm," Cassidy inhaled sharply, unable to stop the water brimming her eyes. "As the years went by, he started changing. He became someone I didn't recognise. He was angry, controlling... abusive. He started drinking a lot, and when he did, he flicked like a switch.

I remember this one night so vividly because it was the night I realised I couldn't stay with him anymore. We had a stupid argument while he was drunk, about how I should have been cleaning up his mess and for once I stood up for myself, but that's when he snapped. His eyes... I'll never forget the way he looked at me, like I was nothing. Like all the love we'd once shared drained from his face.

He started yelling, throwing things. And this wasn't the only time he'd ever behaved like this. He threw a champagne bottle at me, one he had just finished drinking. It hit the wall beside me, shattering and causing glass to fly everywhere. It cut my legs and my feet but I remember being so frozen with fear that I just stood there. I was bleeding and all I could think about was how badly I needed to get out before things got worse."

Cassidy paused, swallowing hard as she looked over at Taylor once more. The blonde was still smiling, but this time tears were rolling down her cheeks listening to Cassidy's words.

"That was the night I told him I was done and that we were over, that I couldn't do it anymore. I didn't want to be in a relationship that made me feel like I was suffocating every single day. Like always, he got angry, called me a bitch, told me I was giving up on us. He threw the blame on me like he always did but I wasn't going to fall for it anymore.

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