Chapter 13) Men

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"Woo hooo! Boys night out!" I scream as Platz and Dan race to see who can finish 2 shots first.
"I shot a hole through every single -" Dan says and it kinda just fades away after that.
Dan won though.
"Platz you know what this means!" I say, "DRINKS ON THE HOUSE!"
Everyone cheers. While Platz looks at me and grunts.
"no." He says.
"Party pooper!" I say.
Wayne is sitting next to Platz. Wayne's probably drank the most tonight, surprisingly.
Tonight has been a lot of fun. Its only 11pm. We still have lots of energy left in us. I don't even know what to do now. We could play pool or air hockey at that bar. Loser has to drink 4 shots. Woah. Let's do that.
"Wanna play air hockey, losers have to drink 4 shots as fast as they can"
"Mmhmm" Platz says.
"Okay so Wayne and Dan can be a team and Platz and I can be a team"

Platz is a sucky air hockey player. All he's doing is messily guarding the goal. By the end of this, I don't know who won. I can only taste alcohol and feel my throat burning.

"Guys, should we go home?" Dan asks. I check the clock, 12am.
"What are you? An old man?" Platz asks.
"Actually, I'm the youngest." Dan says.
"I'm an old fart!" Wayne says laughing.

Jeez. My throat really hurts.
"Guys, I'm hungry" I say.
"Deal with it" Wayne says.
"Wanna go get ice cream guys?" I ask.
"Yeah sure" Platz says.

Platz and I walk over to the gas station and get a quart of Perry's Chocolate Ice Cream and 2 spoons. We walk back over to the bar and sit on the bench outside of it, us both sharing the ice cream. It tastes so good.

"Oouuuhhhh! Brain freeze!" Platz says laughing.
Then, its just a chain of laughter. I can't believe he got a brain freeze!
"Sky said she could give us a ride home" Platz says.
"Nah. We'll be fine, Las Vegas traffic is slow."
"Oh, you're right, I don't want to leave my car out here at night too"
"What time is it?"
"Ehhh, 2"

Okay, I think boys night is over. I'm hammered. As I'm walking into the bar I trip over the step.
"Ouchies" Platz says.
"Shut the fuck up asshole"

I think this is Dan and Wayne, but my vision is kinda blurred.
"Dan, Wayne? " I ask.
"Yeah babe?" Dan asks.
"Time to go home"

I head over to my car and hop in the front seat. Damn, I'm tired. I'll just go to sleep. I go to the backseat and lay down on the cold black leather.

"Fuck! My ice cream!" I say and run out of the car.
I find the bench Platz and I sat at and the ice cream is gone.

"DAMNIT! F*CK YOU!" I yell and start crying.

I get up and go back to my car and lay down in the back and just sit there.


"I'm home!" I yell.
"Daniel, please be quiet" I hear Sky say.
"Oh babe you look hot" I say laughing.
"Daniel, did you drive here drunk?" Sky asks, and then heads towards the window to try to uncover my car sitting in the driveway.
"No, no babe." I say covering up the window she almost looked in
"Daniel. Stop acting like a three year old."
"But baaaabbeee" I say loudly.
"C'mon, time to sleep."
"Don't you want to do more than go to bed?"
"Excuse me?" Sky says rudely.
"Are you on your period?"
"Oh my gosh. Daniel, go to bed or get the fuck out. I don't want you waking up Drew"
"Okay MOM" I say and walk up to the bedroom.

I look behind me to see if Sky is following me to bed but she lies down on the couch and shuts her eyes there.
Damn. She's fucking hot. I jump onto the bed and spread my entire body out on it. My throat hurts.

I groan and roll over. Clunk. Well, this floor is a lot more comfy than I remember. Nice and cold too. Well okay.

I drift to sleep laughing. I'm getting shit handed to me tomorrow.

Authors note- Sorry that this chapter isn't that long. I'm busy and stuff. I probably won't update this for roughly 2-3 weeks because I really want this to be detailed. Also! I'm ending this fan fiction soon. No surprise sequel. But I am currently working on another fan fiction. Go check it out. I will be continuing that. All these updates are really short because I've been busy and haven't felt a desire to write. Just be patient please.


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