Chapter 25) Last Show

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Last show of the tour, I'm so excited. Sky is at home alone, because she can't ride the plane due to her pregnancy. So, I'm really excited to see her. I want to cry and scream! Its amazing! She's been off tour for roughly a month. There isn't a second when she isn't on my mind. I love her so much.

"Hey, Platz, last show tonight. You excited?" Dan asks.
"Of course. Even more excited to go home and see Sky and Drew" I say.
"Anytime this week she'll be having the baby. So we'll be rushing to get there. We have a flight at 5am. Which means after the show we'll go to the airport." Dan says.
"Okay, I knew that, but thanks" I laugh.

I grab my drumsticks and go sit on my little chair. Or stand, whatever you wanna call it. I wait for Wayne to start his part in the guitar as I'm twirling around my drumsticks and watching the white curtain. Last show of tour.


We're boarding the plane. I'm so excited and tired of course. I sit down in my seat next to Dan. Will is sitting with Ben, Wayne is sitting with Lexi, who was busy talking about school work with River.

I wake up in my bed next to Sky. I hear crying and get up. I walk over to the crying and see a baby, obviously a girl due to her clothing. I pick the baby up and realize it's Mae.

"I'm sorry" I whisper and pick her up.

She stops crying and I cradle her. I go to the kitchen and make her a bottle. I already knew how to because of Drew. I feel Sky's arms wrap around me, it frightened me a bit, but other than that it was rather relaxing. I settle into her warm arms and I put the bottle in Mae's mouth.

I wake up and see Dan beside me sleeping and Wayne behind me reading some book about history that looks really boring.

"What time is it?" I say looking back at him.
"Its about 7am." Wayne replies
"I've barely slept. I'm gonna go back to sleep. Good luck bud" I say.

She comes running after me. She's laughing and I realize she's catching up to me. Her face becomes more and more clearer as she gets close. I smile and admire how beautiful she is. She has white-as-snow hair and pale skin. But her hair is so graceful, just like her face. She has nude colored makeup on and what looks to be fake eyelashes. She's wearing a black dress, you would think it would be a weird contrast, but no. Its works perfectly. Her eyes are a bright green color. There really isn't much of a way to describe them. She looks at me and smirks. She walks away and when I see her coming towards me she has a knife and an evil grin. I try to get up but my feet just shuffle and I fall. She holds me down by my arms and I wiggle to get away but I cannot escape from her. I just give up and she smiles. She grabs the knife and I see it coming closer and closer to me. I scream.

I wake up and run my fingers through my hair and I realize I'm panting.

"Are you okay?" Dan asks.
"I'm-" I pause and take a breath "fine"
"No you're not, you screamed in your sleep"
"She was so perfect! Why would she try to kill me?" I question.
"Sky?" Dan asks.
"No, another girl"
"We have like 5 more hours on here, you'll be fine. Just stay awake"
"Alright, thanks" I say.

I didn't really mean it. I can't stop thinking about it now.

I take a deep breath and just try to relax myself.

"You got some ants in your pants Platz?" I hear Ben say.
"Shut up" I reply.

In the mean time, I decide I'd watch some movies on the plane. All the ones they provide I've already seen though.

I just plug earbuds in my phone and listen to some random music.


"Hey, Platz, are you ready to land?" Dan asks.
"He's ready to go home and get to his lady" Ben laughs.
"Ben I'm gonna push you out of this plane" I grunt.

I hear Wayne laughing behind me.

"Shush Wayne" I say.
"We're landing in approximately a minute. Please get your seat belts on." The intercom says.

I buckle my seatbelt and hear a bunch of other clicks from seatbelts.

"Soon" Dan says.
"How do you do it?" I ask him.
"It only gets harder fella" Dan says.
"I miss them so damn much though" I say.
"I do too, believe me." He says, "I heard you last night after the show"
"Oh I'm sorry"
"I'm worried about you." Dan says.
"You have no reason to worry about me. I'm fine." I grunt.

Last night I was sobbing in my dressing room after the show. Whatever, I miss my babies! Dan acts like he's never cried before! There is absolutely nothing wrong with me. I wish he'd just mind his own business.

"I heard you all the nights on the tour bus too, sniffling." Dan says.
"Oh my goodness Dan, I'm fucking fine. I just miss them! I have a pregnant wife at home that I miss and a child that is going to school!" I yell.
"Im just saying with how you've been acting and your drea-"
"Just shut up!" I cut him off.

I breath in and out and realize everyone's eyes are on me and we're about to get off the plane. I go and grab my luggage and then wave goodbye. I go get a taxi and tell him where I'm going.

"Are you the drummer of Imagine Dragons?" He asks.
"Yeah, why?" I ask.
"Oh, I was just wondering. I heard about your wife, congrats!" He asks.
"Thank you. Are you a fan?" I ask.
"Yeah, I go to some of your concerts in Vegas"
"Awesome, thanks for the support" I say.

After probably 30 minutes, we drive on my street.

"Okay, we're here" he says.

I give him the money plus a tip, more than I usually get because he's a supporter of the band and I just love all my fans.

He drives off and I am pulling my luggage up the driveway. I unlock the door and see Sky, running down the stairs as fast as she could, considering her stomach was HUGE! We meet at the bottom of the stairs and we just hug. We both nuzzle our heads in each others necks. I feel her tears stain my shoulders and we just stand here. I cry a bit too. I pull away and kiss her cheek.

I hear little steps coming down the stairs. I see Drew wearing a shirt that says, "Dads number 1 fan".

I pick Drew up and just spin around with him in my arms.

I'm home. I'm going to be home for awhile.

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