Chapter 19) Baby

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Sky called me out to see her. Probably proving me wrong. She'll be like you played flawlessly and what not. Damn I love her.

"What'd you like my dear?" I ask.
She hugs me and digs her head in my shoulder.
"Wait here" She says.

She goes into the bathroom and walks back out with a stick in her hand. As I focus more on it, its a pregnancy test. A pregnancy test. She hands it to me and I observe it. Positive. I soon realize I am crying and I pull Sky next to me and drop the test on the floor.

"I love you so much" I say sobbing.

Never thought I'd be the first one in the band with two kids.

I hear the door open and I look up and see Dan.

He observes the room, seeing the pregnancy test and Sky and I crying.

"Well, I was originally coming in here to tell you we need to go, but congratulations?" Dan says.

I pick up the test and Sky, still sobbing, and walk outside to the tour bus.

"Why are you crying daddy?" Drew asks.
"You're going to have a sister or brother" Daniel says.
"WHAT?" I hear Lexi says from the bunker 'room'.
"BABY!?" Aja asks.

Lexi and Aja trot in and come next to me and start patting my stomach. There's gonna be a lil Baby in there.

"More kids!" Ben says, "oh brother"

Wayne is sleeping away. He misses everything. Haha. I'm so happy.

I'm going to have another child.

I'm sobbing. Still. I have a smile on my face and Sky is rubbing my back.

"Guys when we hit Chicago we're going to stay at a hotel, because we'll be staying there for a couple days after the concert" Dan says.

Sky walks to her bunker bed and I've notice shes had trouble getting up there.

"Sky, take my bed. You don't need to be crawling up there." I say.
"Okay Daniel, I love you" she says.
"You know I love you too" I say.

When shes asleep I come to the bed and snuggle in it. Its weirdly comfortable. I pull up her shirt a bit and start rubbing her stomach. I see her smile a bit. I fall asleep, just like that, rubbing my wife's stomach that holds our baby.

I wake up and Sky is still sound asleep. Everyone else is up eating.

"Dude, we've been waiting for you. We need to go check into the hotel" Wayne says.
"Whatever" I say.
All of us go, but Lexi stays back since she doesn't have to check in and River, Arrow, and Drew are still there.

I check in to the hotel, all of us like to keep where we're staying private and it looks like they're doing a really good job because I see no fans around. So hard to find reliable hotels.

I walk back to the tour bus and grab all of our luggage, and carry it up to the room. I go back into the elevator and go back in the tour bus.

"Sky, wake up hunny" I say using my finger caressing her smooth face with my thumb.
"Daniel?" She asks.
"Yeah, we're at the hotel"
"Oh I'm so sorry"
"Its fine, we just need to go, I got all the luggage up there" I say.
"Okay, you can take Drew up there. I'll be there in a second."
"Alright" I say and pick up Drew and go up there.

I walk with Drew holding his hand, and when I walk past the lady at the check-in, she smiles at me and winks. Ew. She was at least 45. I'm sorry girl, too old for me.


I walk outside after I brushed my hair and teeth and walk into the lobby. I walk up to the check in lady, she had brown hair and jade colored eyes, slightly tanned skin, and what looked like dentures in her mouth. She looked tired. Not like tired tired, but tired of life. She looked like she was giving up with her worn smile.

Daniel Platzman" I say.
"I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to give out this information to fans." She said sassy.
"I'm not a fan, I'm his wife." I say.

She scans me with her eyes and gives me a dirty look.

"Proof?" She asks.
I pull out my drivers license and show her.
"Oh well in that case, Mrs.Platzman, room 113" she says in a snotty tone that made me want to rip those dentures out of her mouth.

I see Lexi behind me, and she is waiting behind me.

"What did that lady say to you?" Lexi whispers.
"She was really snotty with me and thought I was a fan" I say.
"What a bitch" Lexi says.
"Lexi!" I say.
"Woops" she says.

We both walk into the elevator and press the floor number we were going to.

I arrive at my floor and find the room.

I knock on the door and Daniel answers his waist wrapped in a towel.

"Hey" I say and give him a kiss.
"Hi babe, I'm gonna go get changed. I took a shower, but I'm sure you can too"
"Alright" I say and go sit with Drew who is on the second bed in the room, watching Spongebob.

I snuggle with Drew and see Daniel come out. I get off the bed, almost falling, and look in my suitcase for clothes I want to wear.

"I saw that" Daniel says.
"Saw what?" I laugh.
"You almost fell" he said laughing.

I find clothes I want and go take a shower. The shower was amazing. Minus the part when Daniel came in and had to do business.

Daniel and I's tips on how to keep the romance alive:
#1, take a shit while your wife is in the shower.
#2, have babies.

Yep. Seems legit. Anyways, they're playing their show tonight and I'm happy to be in Chicago. This place is a really cool city. There is something for everyone here. I found that amazing. Daniel has been none stop running my stomach and its getting annoying. I can't deal with this for 9 months!!!

"Babe, I need to talk to you" Daniel says.
"Alright I'm coming"
I get up and walk to the bathroom where Daniel was combing his hair.
"Since I got off tour the other year, I can't do it again, and we'll be on tour when you have the baby" Daniel says.

I feel my stomach churn and my heart start racing.

"So, should I not have the baby?" I ask.
"No, no, I want the baby, but I don't know how we're going to work this out. Someone is going to have to take care of you and visit you. I just don't know who and I want to be there. You need to figure out the due date in a couple of months and then we can go from there"
"Alright.." I say nervously.

Great! Something else to worry about! I'm just going to have to enjoy this. I haven't had any morning sickness, good thing for all the people on this bus.

(A/N - I can't. Stop. Updating. This. Story.)

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