Chapter 4

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After School

After school that day, Dustin had practice so I walked to the music shop reading over the job application. When I got there I sat down on one of the chairs, pulled out a text book and filled it out. The person who worked behind the counter gave me a strange look when I first walked in however after a few minutes more customers came in and I was forgotten.

I finished the one for the music store and moved on to the next one. I checked the time on my phone, 4:10pm. It had been an hour since school ended. I wondered when Dustin will come down for his shift. I finished the 2nd application and turned in the first one, when Dustin walked in.

His hair was wet and he had different clothes on. I smiled at him when he walked over and put his hand on the small of my back and walked me out the doors.

"Did you get the application done for the DJ job?" He whispers into my ear as he walks us up the sidewalk.

"Yeah, I got it." I nodded and I could smell his cologne and it was intoxicating. His hand was still on the small of my back, his fingers were lightly drawing shapes.

I realized what he was doing so I walked so I was in front of him, his hand moved to my hip. I started to walk slower and my butt pressed against his growing buldge. My eyes widen and I smirk when he stopped walking and pulled me to a stop and turned me around. His arms snaked around my back.

"What do you think you're doing?" He whispered in my ear, his voice was deeper than it had been before. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me.

"It's called pay back." I kissed him on the lips, at first he froze and then he moved his lips in sync with mine. He pulled away and pulled me down an empty alley way, behind a dumpster where no one could see us.

He pressed me against the brick wall and kissed me again. I ran my hands through his hair and pulled myself closer to him. He pushed me back into the wall with his body. He hands went down my sides and to my waist. He deepened the kiss and slide one hand onto the small of my back. I pulled away for air and he started kissing down my neck. I gasped when he found my sweet spot and he started biting it.

"Dustin." I gasped. He started moving his hands up my spine, when a ringing blasted from my front pocket and we sprung apart.

I looked at the caller ID, it read, Uncle Jackass. "Shit. I gotta take this." I looked at Dustin, he just nodded. I hit the answer button. "Hello." I said coldly.

"Where the hell are you?" He boomed through the phone.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I rolled my eyes. "Why do you even care? Last I checked you didn't like me."

"Hey! I don't get paid for your attitude! All I have to do is know where you are!" He screamed into the phone. "So just tell me where the hell are you?"

"I'm down at the school with Caleb." I lied. "Happy?" But there was a dead line and I put my phone in my pocket.

I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and a chin rested on my shoulder. "That was intense, even just on this end." Dustin whispered in my ear.

"Yeah." I nodded and the turned around in his arms. "He's always been intense. My parents never let us near him, never wanted us to go to them." I looked down. "Part of me wishes that I went to Uncle Ike. But no one knows where he is. He doesn't stay in one place too often, a new phone every week. I don't know what's he running from, but I know it's something."

Dustin's jaw clenched and he looked at me with slightly widen eyes. "Do you have any theories?"

"No, my dad told me there was something but he didn't tell me what. He said I was too young." I said looking up at Dustin. "Why?"

He shrugged. "He could have been in a drug dealing business?" Dustin suggested. He eyes caught on something on my neck. He brushed his figures lightly over the darkening mark right over my sweet spot. "Sorry."

I smiled at him. "It's okay." I looked at the smudged lipstick on him. "I'm sorry for the lipstick." I laughed a little.

"Well, yours isn't perfect either." He started laughed. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag and pulled out a make up wipe and took off the make up and then reapplied some more and handed him a wipe as well. Then I got to work on covering the hickey.

"You ready?" I asked when I finished and I turned around to find him looking at his pants. "What's your problem?" I laughed.

He looked at me and I smirked at his angry face. He walked over to me and pulled me against him. "Do you see what you did?" He asked. "And I have work in 5 minutes and we still haven't gotten to the DJ place."

"Well we should go." I smiled and walked out of the alley way. He follows and then starts leading me to the DJ place with his hand on the small of my back.

The Truth of Kylie James (UNDER SOME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now