Chapter 15

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Pups and bloodsuckers

I stared wide eyed at him, his eyes were bright amber and his teeth pure white wolflike fangs. I backed up against the wall. "Wh-what are you?" I studdered.

"Kylie, let's go and talk about this somewhere a little more private." Dustin suggested stepping closer to me and his teeth went back to normal and so did his eyes. He held out his hand for me to take.

"Where?" I asked and started walking backwards away from him, matching his foot steps.

"How about the truck? I'll leave it unlocked and if you want to leave you want." He suggested taking bigger steps towards me.

"Fine." I said just as my back bumped into the truck and I climbed inside. He walked around and got in. "Alright, talk. What are you?"

"Well the pack says we're werewolves, however when I researched the words that was used the most was lycans or lycanthropes." The words rushed out of his mouth. "Half the school are lycans, all the cheerleaders and football players in every grade. Our pack is huge and it kinda has to be because the next town over is infested with vampires, or as the pack calls them bloodsuckers. They're ten times worse than a lycan, they take human life, for fun. The pack protects this town, that vampire we just saw is already dead. James took care of him."

"You kill people?" I asked wide eyed.

"Not people, vampires."

"That man he didn't hurt anyone." I whispered.

"Kylie, he was a vampire, a demon. He was going to kill you, drain you dry and then go to someone else." Dustin whispered looking into my eyes. "I won't let anything hurt you Kylie. Not even myself I promise."

"Can you control yourself in your form?" I asked.

"The others can but I can't, it's because I wasn't bitten, born or scratched. Some women turned me with magic. I have no control when I fully turn, and I can't fully turn unless it's the full moon." He said  looking into my eyes. "During which my pack chains me down, so I don't hurt anyone."

"Have you ever hurt someone?" I asked.

"Yes." He looked down at his feet. "Bella. We had broken up the day before. I was in so much pain and didn't have an where I could go and I didn't know what was happening so I went to her house. She came out thinking I wanted to patch things up, but when I fell to my knees in pain she knew something was up. She called James, she about call 911 but I had lost my control and lashed out. I almost killed her if it wasn't for James and the rest of the pack that came. They had to turn her so she'd survive. She's Sired to James now, like most of the cheerleaders that got turned, they all want to make their boyfriends happy will do anything for them. Kylie I know this is a lot to take in, but you need to remember I will never hurt you. I promise on the moon and the tides."

"'On the moon and the tides'?" I asked.

"It's a lycan magic promise, if I hurt you the curse will awaken and I'll just die the next full moon." He said looking into my eyes. "I love you Kylie, and I never want to hurt you."

The Truth of Kylie James (UNDER SOME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now