Chapter 8

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The Night Escape

We kissed, we talked and we cuddled until we were too tired to keep our eyes open. We fell asleep in each other's arms, he had one hand on my back, the other in my hair and I had one hand in his hair, the other on his chest. He had taken his shirt off, his room was really warm and we had to turn on a fan.

I woke up and the clock read 2:34 am. I slowly pulled my hand away from his head, unwrapped our legs and lifted my hand off his chest, I then rolled off his bed and landed lightly onto the floor without a sound. I crawled to grab my backpack, shoes, hat and phone. Then I got over to the window and climbed out, I walked across the stretch of roof before jumping into the bushes.

I preseeded to walk home and put my shoes, hat and back pack on. When I checked my phone there was 10 phone calls and 12 messages, all from Caleb.

So sorry Caleb I had my phone on silent and I fell asleep, I'm coming home now -KJ I sent because I knew he was still awake even though it's a school night.

Where were you? -CJ he asked within a minute of being sent.

I'll tell you when I get home -KJ

Uncle John's up waiting for you, be prepared -CJ as soon as I read it I knew this was going to be more than one slap.

When I got to the house the lights were on and I walked up to the front door, before I could get 2 feet towards it, the door flung open and a very mad Uncle John stood in the light. "Where have you been?"

"I fell asleep." I shrugged and tried to slid around him. His hand grabbed my shoulder, stopping me.

"Where did you fall asleep?" He pushed me to the ground, making me fall down the stairs and scrape my arm.

"A friends house." I looked up at him from the ground, my head pounding.

"A friends house? You 'fell asleep' at a friends house?" He glared down at me. "Vickie?" The skunk came out.

"What?" She looked at him with annoyance.

"We have a little slut in our house." He said to her. I jumped up.

"I am NOT a slut!" I yelled. I glared at uncle John and walked up the steps.

"Oh she's feisty." He laughed and back handed me again, this time I was expecting it and I didn't fall. I instead turned to face him.

"You're going to have to do better than that." I said and I pushed him with all my strength and he stumbled inside. Vickie slapped me, her fingers were like little whips and the her fake nails scratched into my cheek, I felt the wetness of blood dripping down my face. I grabbed her by the front of the shirt. "Look you little stunk, don't you ever EVER touch me! You hear me? NEVER!" I yelled in her face and threw her inside. I walked in and closed the door just to feel uncle John's hand wrap around my throat and I got shoved into the door. I could bearly breathe.

"Don't you dare threaten us." He growled in my face. I tried to push him off me, but I was failing. He punched me in the ribs. "Do." Punch. "You." Punch. "Under-" punch. "stand." Punch. "Me?" Punch. My lungs were burning, my ribs screamed in pain and my head pounded. Vickie was laughing, a sicking sound. Caleb looked at me with sad eyes, we both new there was nothing he could do and I didn't want him to do anything.

John let my throat go and I slunk to the ground couching. He grabbed me by the back of the neck and dragged me to my room and locked me inside.

I crawled onto my bed, cried and slept.

The Truth of Kylie James (UNDER SOME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now