Chapter 18

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When we left the house Dustin started walking towards his truck. He opened the back seat door and started goimg through things inside a backpack. "Whatcha looking for?" I asked coming up behind him. He pulled out his phone and ipod with two pairs of white headphones. He handed me the ipod and a pair od headphones.

"I thought you'd like to run with music." He said. "I definitely will."

I smiled at him. "And you think your ipod has my music taste?" I said as I unlocked it and went to his music app.

"Definitely." He said as he plugged in his headphones into his phone and searched through his music collection. On his ipod there were over 1,000 songs and there were a lot of artist I recognized and liked. I hit his playlist labeled "pump up/work outs". Party Poison by My Chemical Romance started playing through the earbuds I had put in and I started running with Dustin right next to me.

After a minute or two I added a little more speed and was edging ahead of him. We ran past people walking down the sidewalk. I came up to a corner and stopped and looked back to Dustin. He stopped and we both pulled a head phone bud out.

"Where are we even running to?" I asked smiling at him. He brushed a hair behind my ear.

"The school has a track." Dustin suggested. I smirked having an idea.

"How about we race to the track?" I smiled. "Winner decides what we're doing for the rest of day, loser buys lunch."

Dustin smiled and stuck out his hand for me to shake. "Deal." We shook hands. "You're going to loose though, you know that?"

"Good to know you talk to yourself!" I laughed and started running down the street finding a break in the buildings and ran into the woods, it was one of the short cuts I had found. As soon as I was covered by trees I started to bolt incredibly fast, faster than I had ever gone. The trees became blurs and I just kept jumping over the fallen trees. I made it to the track by the time the song had changed from Party Poison to Pretender by Foo Fighters. Dustin wasn't there yet so I did a little victory dance and then jogged around the track, by my secound lap Dustin appeared at the gates.

"How did you get here so fast?" Dustin asked as I jogged over to him. "I was going at 60 mph."

"I took a short cut, also I started first. Oh and you probably got distracted when I ran away fro  you." I winked remembering what he had said back in his room.

"You still should've lost." Dustin pouted. I smirked and kissed him.

"Somebody's a sore loser." I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands went to my hips and pulled me into him and kissed me.

"Alright Kylie, what have you decided we're doing?" He asked when he pulled back.

"Well for now let's go get some food." I laughed and grabbed one of his hands and we started walkimg back to downtown.

The Truth of Kylie James (UNDER SOME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now