Chapter 21

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In the woods

I couldn't breath again, my heart was beating at an incredible speed. My throat went dry as panick sinking in. I couldn't think straight, my thoughts were screaming in panick. My knees became weak and the world began to spin before my eyes. My chest brurned and felt as if someone was sitting on it.

He proposed. Dustin wanted to marry me. Me, the strange new girl, the girl who would do anything for her brother, the girl who passed out because he said he loved me. And he still wanted to marry me?!

My eye sight started to get slouchy. I still couldn't breath and my heart seemed to beat faster.

How could he love me? How could he want to marry me? He's only known me for 4 days for crying out loud! Most of my brain was screaming. But there was a small part reminding me he was lycan, a werewolf, and there were legends that they can fall in love within seconds. But why? Why me? The part off me that was screaming asked that small part. Because you love him too. Say yes, he's amazing and loves you just as much as you do. Get out of your denial and tell him!

I wanted to say yes, but I wasn't breathing still and my eye sight cut out and I blacked out and fell back into a dark abis.

When I woke up again I felt Dustin's chest against my side and one of his arms was behind my back the other was tucked under my knees. He was walking me bridal style in his arms. I opened up my eyes to see he was looking straight forward and we were walking through the woods. I reached my arms up and wrapped them around his neck, but he didn't look down at me. I tried to pull his face down to me but he wouldn't budge.

"Dustin-" I tried to say I was sorry but he interrupted me.

"Save it." His voice was harsh and broken. I released my hold on his neck.

"Let me go." I said and he actually just dropped me, however I had quick reflects and I landed on my hands and knees. Dustin walked over me and continued walking. I followed him and tried to get him to face me. He just kept walking. "Please just look at me." I whispered to him. He spun on his heal and finally stopped and looked at me.

His eyes were blood shot and puffy his checks were tear streaked. "Save it Kylie. I see how you feel." His voice was still visious. "You don't love me, you just wanted a job."

"No-" I looked at him.

"Don't lie to me!" Dustin barked, his voice echoed across the forest. His eye color went to amber.

"Dustin will you just listen?" I asked. He looked at me with heartbreak eyes, but he nodded. "I'm so sorry. I panicked I just could breath and my thoughts were screaming and my heart felt like it was going to explode." He shook his head and looked down at his feet. I felt like my heart was breaking too and I could feel the sting of tears. "But I realized something, Dustin." He looked up at me. "I love you, like a lot. And my answer is yes." He looked and me wide eyed. "If the offer is still on the table?"

He walked over to me, closing the distance between us. "Do you mean it?" He searched my eyes that were only a few inches apart. I nodded and he kissed me. He deepened it quickly and pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Jump." He said and I did, he wrapped my legs around his waist and supported me bye holding my butt. He walked us the through the woods while he was still kissing me. Somehow we got to his backyard and he walked me inside and up the stairs. "I love you, Kylie." He said as he laid me on the bed.

"I love you too, Dustin." I said before we went back to making out.

The Truth of Kylie James (UNDER SOME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now