Chapter 17

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I woke up the next morning in Dustin's arms. He was already awake and was watching me. I opened my eyes and saw him staring. "That's not creepy." I joked laughing a little.

"When you dream, you scrunch your nose up adorably." He smiled at me and kissed my nose. "You also talk a little bit."

My eyes widened. "What did I say?"

"My name mostly." He smiled at my reaction and brushed some of my hair behind my ear. "You're beautiful, you know that right?"

I rolled my eyes. "Was there anything else I said?"

"You called out to your parents a few times, but I hugged you closer and seemed to feel better." He let me sit up and he sat up with me.

"What time is it?" I asked and he looked at the clock behind him.

"12:45pm." Dustin said.

My eyes widened. "I never sleep that long." I whispered.

"So you sleep better when I'm around?" He said with a cocky smile. I got off the bed and his eyes followed me.

"Cocky much?" I laughed, I was in one of his band shirts and he pulled me over to him by holding part of the bagiest part at my sides.

"Very much." He kissed me, quick peck on the lips and I pulled back.

"I'm gonna go for my run." I said as I grabbed my track shorts from my bag.

"Can I go with you?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Sure." I laughed and leaned back into him. "If you can keep up."

"Oh I will be right behind you, but not because of speed." He said looking and the shorts in my hands and he started to play with the shorts.

I laughed and pulled the shorts out of his hands. I pulled his arms off me and put the shorts on. I was about to walk to the window.

"Kylie, don't go through the window. My mom saw me walk you through the door carrying you, she's kind of worried." He grabbed my hand, he was already in shorts but he had no shirt on and he didn't seem to even think of getting one on and he walked us down the stairs. The smell of bacon and eggs floated through the 1st floor.

"Why hello sleeping beauty." A women that looked around 27-30. She had blonde hair that was clipped perfectly up and she wore a white dress with an apron over it as she cooked.

"Mom, what's this?" Dustin asked surprised.

"Angel is coming over for breakfast and I made some for you two." She said as she set plates down. "I'm assuming you told her about me."

"A little, not a lot." I spoke up. She smiled at me.

"You are very pretty, my boy is lucky to have you." She said and turned around to tend to the pancakes. Dustin's eyes went wide. "What was the last one's name? Belly? Nella? No wait it was Bella. She was a slut and you could see it from a mile of way. She was nothing compared to you in looks if I might add." She placed some pancakes in a stake on a plate and put more batter on the pan. I blushed and looked at Dustin who mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' and I smiled.

"Thank you Mrs. Johnson." I said to her. Her nose scrunched up at the word 'Johnson'.

"Oh please call me Jessica." She said. "Also help yourselves to some food."

"Thank you, Jessica." I said and sat down at the table.

"So let me guess, dad's working today?" Dustin rolled his eyes.

"Yup." She said as she put down a plate full of scramble eggs. Her eyes looked me up and down and saw the bandage on my arm. "What happened?" She looked at Dustin who put his arms up in defense. "Did you do this?"

"No mom it wasn't me! She fell off her scateboard!"

"Don't you lie to me boy!" She glared.

"It wasn't him. It was my uncle." I spoke up in defense for Dustin.

"Wait your John Aric's niece? Aren't you? Oh I am so sorry that you have to live with that man, and his wife! She one of the women in this town I want to hit in the face with a crowbar." She said. "Your name must be Kylie James. The town console was talking about you and your brother Caleb. So sorry to hear about your parents. Your mother and I were very good friends back in high school."

"Wait you knew my mom?"

"Yeah, we were almost sisters. She helped me out with Dustin when he was a little boy." She said as she poured herself a glass of red wine. "Our mom's were best friends as well and named us both Jessica. She got called Jess at school. Do you drink?" She as holding the wine bottle up.

"No." I said.

"Your mom used to love drinking, however she'd only have a quarter of a glass. She never want to get drunk she just like the taste."

I thought about that and tuned the rest of what Jessica was saying out. Why would my mom choose to drink so much the night she died?

The Truth of Kylie James (UNDER SOME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now