Meet Leslie

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Hello I'm Leslie! I really love to dance it's my second passion after singing of course. Hip hop is one of my favorite genres to dance too.

Question 1: Favorite artists/ bands?
Panic! at the Disco

Question 2: Physical description?
Lilac hair which is naturally curly, brown eyes,short,ugly but everyone says I'm beautiful but I don't see it.

Question 3: Favorite fictional character?

Question 4: Favorite tv show?
Glee/American Horror Story

Question 5: Describe your personality? Smart, funny, caring, (perfect)<-- that was Emily😏

Question 6: Any pets?
1 dog

Question 7: If you could go anywhere where would you go?
The beach

Question 8: Favorite song?
Afraid by the neighborhood

Question 9: Describe your dream life?
To be happy

Question 10: Who's your favorite 5sos boy? Ashton Irwin

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