Chapter 17: Same Old Love

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2 Weeks later

Emily's POV

Mixtape had gotten huge in several countries! It was so fun to be famous until you went out in public. With paparazzi following you everywhere you went. It was the last show of the Australia/New Zealand leg of the tour, and we had just finished the concert and where on our way to the airport. "What's England like?" I asked and Luke began "it's beautiful, it's gonna be cold cause it's the middle of winter but the snow makes it even better." Luke smiled "remember when we played in the snow real late?" Calum looked at the other boys and they quietly laughed "those where some fun times" Ashton sniffled "you getting sick Ashy?" Leslie asked and he shook his head laying it on Leslie shoulder. "Did you girls like Aussie?" Mikey asked with Bella quietly asleep on him. "It was amazing we can't thank you guys enough for giving us this chance" I said making them smile. We arrived at the airport and everything was silent in the car. As soon as the car door slammed open the craziness began. Screaming girls and boys and the flashing of the cameras. We all walked quickly into the airport not stopping to take photos like usual. We hurried to board the plane, as we boarded my phone began to buzz. I looked at the caller ID and it was 17 year only sister Sage.

E: hey love!

S: hey sis! what are you up to?

E: about to board the plane to England! what about you?

S: homework!

E: EWWW I'm so glad I'm done with that!

S: so guess what!

E: what?!?

S: mom, dad and I are flying into England tomorrow to see you!


S: I know right I'm so excited to see you! I miss you so much!

E: I miss you too, but I've got to go now I'll call you when I land alright?

S: alright I love you!

E: I love you too!

I hung up and smiled. "What's the smile for?" Bella asked "my parents and Sage are gonna meet us in England!" I shouted and they smiled "Sage?" Luke questioned "Emily's little sister" Leslie spoke "she's only a year younger! This is her" I said showing the boys a picture. "She's hot" Calum smirked "That's my sister Cal!" I smacked the back of his head. On the plane we all had taken our seats. Luke was on one side of me and Calum on the other. As the plane began to take off I gripped Luke's hand. Planes had always scared me and the taking off/landing parts scared me even more. Luke whispered in my ear and kissed my temple in hopes that It would calm me down, but nothing worked until the plane stabilized. As the plane silently cruised through the sky Luke and I watched Ted. We laughed quietly since everyone was asleep. As the end credits began to role Luke looked at me and smiled. "You know I really like you...." He whispered and I smiled "I really like you too." I giggled looking down at my lap, Luke's hand traveled up to my chin slightly pushing it up until I was looking him in the eye. He leaned in slightly as did I, our lips connected and moved in sync. "Be mine?" He pulled away "of course!" I smiled kissing him once more.

Hours later

We landed in England and we where greeted by the British fan base. We all stopped for photos with as many people as we could until security rushed us to the hotel. I called Sage and she said they where already at the hotel waiting for us. I was nervous to see my family, where they proud of me for accomplishing my dream of becoming famous, or did they think it was stupid. We pulled up to the hotel and luckily it wasn't surrounded by fans. We got into the hotel rather quickly, I saw my family get off the elevator. I quickly ran up to my sister and embraced her. I did the same for my parents, "Mom, Dad, Sage I want you to meet and few people..." I smiled "this is Calum..Michael..Ashton..and lastly Luke, my boyfriend" I giggled at what I finally got to call him. "Boyfriend?" My mother looked at me, I nodded. "Nice you meet you son, I hope you treat my daughter perfectly." My father held out his hand and Luke took it, shaking it. "Boys this is My mother Maria and my father Harry and my little sister Sage" I introduced them "why don't we go get some lunch?" My mother suggested and we all agreed.

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