Bella and Micheal

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Baby's Birth

"Michael... Wake up... Micheal" I spoke trying to waking him up. "Micheal it's urgent!" I shook him lightly. "Micheal the fucking baby is coming and if you don't wake up I sweat to god!" I finally shouted. As soon as he heard that he shot up out of bed and grabbed the prepacked baby bag.

He ran around the house frantically. "Hey Micheal?" He couldn't stop. I walked towards him and slapped him. "Calm Down!" I screamed in his face and thankfully her took a breath and calmed down. "Now let's go" I spoke calmly even though I was freaking out on the inside. I had never done this before and no one had taught me how to do this.

I called Emily and Leslie in the car. They both answered frantically and asked the same thing. "Is my neice/nephew coming?" I confirmed that the baby was coming and they said they'd wake everyone else up and they'd be on their way.

We arrived at the hospital surprisingly alive. We spoke to the nurse and she showed us to our hospital room. She handed me a hospital gown "congratulations" she smiled nicely before leaving and shutting the door behind her. Micheal helped me out of my sweatpants and over sized shirt. He pushed the gown onto my body and tied it in the back.

I started to pace around the room waiting for my friends to arrive. Micheal tried to turn on TV to help me relax but it didn't work. Finally they arrived and Emily forced me to get into to bed. Thankfully though because contractions started to get worst and worst. The doctor came in a measured how dilated I was. "You're at 8 centimeters, 2 more and you'll be all set" she smiled at me. Leslie looked me in the eyes and helped me breath through the painful contractions.

A few hours later

It was 6am and if I have to wait two more hours I'm gonna die! The doctor finally came back in and measured me. "Isabella, it's time." She smiled while I continued to freak out. "Alright only two people in the delivery room, daddy and.." she looked at me. "Emily!" I shouted as another contraction hit. Emily came on the left side of me while Mikey stayed on the right. "You can do this baby" Michael kissed my sweaty forehead. I nodded in pain as the doctor pushed my legs back.

"I'm not ready" I began crying. "I can't do this. What if I screw him up" Emily wiped my tears. "You are gonna be a great mother! Now spread your legs and push my niece or nephew out!" She shouted at me. She's right I can do this. "Alright sweetheart, time to push." The doctor spoke, Emily pushed me legs farther back and farther apart. Micheal held my hand. "Push" she shouted and I did as hard as I could. Finally after 20 minutes of painful pushing I heard a cry. "It's a boy" she said and I could stop smiling. The doctors clean him off and handed him to me. "He's beautiful" I cried looking into his beautiful blue eyes.

Reed Avery Clifford 
Born: July 19, 2018

Sydney Delores Clifford
Born: October 31, 2020

Dallas Gordan Clifford
Born: November 14, 2022

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