Chapter 14: Wow

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Leslie's POV

I woke up with Ashton's arms wrapped around me waist. "Ash you've gotta get home before we both get in trouble." I shook him lightly. "But I don't wanna leave I wanna cuddle here all day" he groaned "come on your moms gonna be mad at you" I said breaking his grip and getting up. "Fine." He sighed "I'll see you tonight make sure you keep the window unlocked" he smiled walking over to me "I promise I will" I kissed him, he pulled away and left through the open window. I went through my suit case and grabbed an outfit and walked towards the bathroom. I took a quick shower and changed. I walked out of the bathroom, and Calum was on the phone with someone. "Morning les" he spoke "les is there tell her I said hi" I heard a small voice on the phone. "Sydney said hey" Calum told me I smiled and grabbed the phone out of his hand.

L: hey syd! How've you been?

S: great I just started senior year and I miss you guy so much.

L: we miss you too! We'll be back soon I promise. I'm gonna give you back to Calum he looks mad at me.

She laughed as I pulled the phone away from my ear and handed it back to Cal. I laughed and walked back to my room, I looked at my phone and I had a text from bell

Weirdo😂: Calum said he saw Ash sneak out of your house what the hell happened last night😏

Les😇: nothing happened he just snuck in and we fell asleep I told him to leave earlier😁

Weirdo: 😉😏 whatever

I shut me phone and laughed. My door opened and I was to lazy to look back. I felt a sudden weight on my ass. "What do you wanna do today since you got to spend the night with your boyfriend" Calum asked I groaned and looked back at him. "I don't know your from here it's your choice" I told him and he hummed "fuck I don't know!" He said and I laughed "Calum language!" Joy yelled "and get off that poor girl you might kill Her" joy spoke again I laughed and he got off me laying next to me on my bed instead. "You wanna try writing a song?" He suggested and I nodded "sure I've gotta learn sometime." I smiled "you play the bass right?" He asked and I nodded remembering my father teaching me when I was little. "What do Em and Bell play" he asked "they both play the guitar Bella is a little better than Em though." I told him and he nodded "alright well let's go write something" he said and we started to walk to a room in the house filled with instruments. We sat down and he picked up a guitar and handed me a bass. He told me to mess around with it and we started to Write mixtapes first song.

2 hours later

(All credit to neon trees)

The first song was upbeat and I loved it. It was called animals and it was perfect. I sent a video of the chorus to the girls.

(Weirdo is Bella and shorty is Em)


Weirdo😂: wow that sounds so good!!!

Shorty✌🏼️: wow I can't wait to record it. Luke said it sounds great as well!

"They Love it cal!" I said hugging him. "Thank you so much for helping" I smiled and pulled out of the hug to send the same video to Ash.

Babe😍: wow babe that's an amazing song can't wait to hear the full thing tomorrow😘

Emily's POV

Luke and I where laying on the bed in Luke's room. It was 6 and we had just finished dinner "wanna go to the beach?" Luke suggested "the sun should be setting soon." He continued "sounds amazing let me go put on some shorts" I said getting up and walking to my room. I traded  my sweatpants for shorts. I walked out of the room and Luke was waiting for me. "Ready?" He asked and I nodded we walked past Liz. "Where are you guys going?" she asked as Luke picked up the keys to the car. "We are gonna go watch the sunset at the beach" Luke informed her "Alright just be home before 9" she said and we nodded walking out of the house and into the car. "What do you wanna listen to?" I asked looking my music library. "Green day?" He looked at me before pulling out of the drive way. I began playing Jesus of suburbia. We rocked out until we reached an empty part of the beach. We got out of the car and Luke grabbed a blanket from the trunk. We walked through the cool sand and Luke set out the blanket. I sat down kicking off my sandals, it was breezy but warm. The sun started to set "hey Em what your favorite 5sos song?" Luke asked picking up his guitar he had brought. "Hmm.... Well I absolutely love long way home" I explained to him, he nodded and started to strum the beginning of LWH.
"So we're taking the long way home" Luke sang the song softly. He sang the first verse and chorus he looked at me for the second verse. I sang the verse and Luke joined in for the rest of the song. As the final chords of the song played Luke pointed out to the ocean. The sun had set and it looked like my hair color from weeks ago. "Wow" was alI I could manage to get out. "I use to come here a lot when I was sad it always made me feel better" Luke shared with me I looked at him as he continued to speak. He told me about his past and how he had a lot of trouble with bullies. "Luke your perfect to me and to the boys and to all your fans." I said to him "you are one of the reasons I'm clean" I rolled up my Bracelets to revel past scars. "Em why did you do this to yourself?" He asked examining my scars. "Well I had a a lot of weight issues and a lot had to do with bullies" I explained to him "but as soon as I found your band I tried to hard to stop but Leslie and Bella helped me so much just as I helped them" I continued to explain, he looked at me and pulled me onto his lap. "Emily your perfect" he spoke and I smiled "thanks Luke" I kissed his cheek. "Luke?" A feminine voice spoke from behind us. Luke turned around and looked straight back towards me "who's that" I whispered and he looked at me with sadness in his eyes. "That is Aleisha my ex-girlfriend" he said and quickly got up grabbing the blanket and we walked quickly to the car. He started the car and quickly drove away from the beach. "What time is it?" Luke asked and I looked at my phone "7:30" I informed him and he nodded "can you see if the everyone wants to come watch a movie tonight at my house?" Luke asked trying to hide the fact that a tear had slipped. "I'll text the group chat" I said grabbing his Hand.

Em🙊: hey guys Luke wants to know if you guys are down for a movie at his house at 8?

Mikey💁🏼: What happened? Luke always asks us to come over for a movie when he's sad?

Cal-Pal🍍: What happened to Lukey?!?

Em🙊: we where at the beach and Aleisha showed up😓

Ash🔥: Holy shit🙀 I can't come I'm sorry it would be better for you and him to have a night alone you'll make him happier than any of us ever could.

Mikey💁🏼: just watch mean girls that always cheers him up. We'll all do something tomorrow after we go to the studio.

Em🙊: alright I'll see you guys tomorrow.

I shut off my phone "they can't come but they said we'll do something tomorrow after the studio" I informed him and he nodded trying to shake the tears away.

Bella's POV

"I guess Luke's ex showed up on Emily's and Luke's date" Mikey informed me since I had left my phone up in the room. "Wow that's awful is Luke okay?" I asked and he shook his head "Em said he started to tear up." He informed me, I shook my head "that's horrible" I said and he nodded in agreement. "Wanna order some pizza?" He asked and I nodded he walked into the other room and ordered the pizza for delivery. "Pick a movie" he said and I looked through the stack of movies "is the Lazarus effect good?" I asked "yep sounds good to Me" he said and I set it up.

20 minutes later

The doorbell rang and I ran to get it "15.78" the guy said and I handed him a twenty "keep the change" I said and he handed me the pizza. "Thank you" he said as I closed the door. "Mikey the pizzas here!" I shouted and he came running with a cheeky grin. "What's that grin for?" I asked "just excited for pizza." He spoke nervously. I opened the pizza but instead of the regular pizza shape it was shaped in a heart. "Mikey?" I asked confused, I looked at the top of the box and "be mine?" Was written in sharpie. I looked at Mikey with tears in my eyes. He was holding a Silver necklace with a diamond M. "Will you?" He asked and I nodded hugging him tightly. I pulled my hair up and Mikey pulled the necklace around me neck. "It's beautiful" I said taking a second look at it. "When did you get it?" I asked and he looked at me "Emily and Luke picked it out and dropped it off earlier" he informed me and I laughed "of course it was Emily" I said and he smiled "I've wanted to do this for a while now" he smiled bringing my face close to his latching our lips together. "I'm hungry" I giggled as I pulling away he laughed and handed me a slice of pizza. We turned our attention to the screen and continued to eat our heart shaped pizza. "Babe?" I looked at him in fear from the movie. He opened his arms for me to come closer to him. I scooted closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me resting his hands on my hips. I rested my head on his chest. Every Time I jumped Mikey tightened his grip on me signaling that I was safe in his arms. The movie ended and I looked at my phone it was 11. "What time do we have to be at the studio tomorrow?" I asked "I think Henry wanted all of us there at 10" he said and I nodded and yawned. "I'm gonna got to bed." I yawned again "I'll be up in a minute" he said as I walked away. I walked into the room I shared with Michael since they didn't have a guest bedroom. I quickly changed and Michael walked into the room as I pulled on my shirt. I laid on the bed and sighed from exhaustion. Mikey pulled the covers up to my torso. "Goodnight princess" he said and I smiled at the cute nickname. He kissed my head and I slowly drifted off to sleep. 

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