Chapter 6: It's like our lives now

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Bella's POV

After all of us finally made it onto the bus, we collapsed onto the seats in relief. "So guys, how was your first mobbing?" Calum asked. "You guys go through that everyday!?" I asked and they nodded, shrugging. "That's so overwhelming." Leslie said in awe. Suddenly we heard heavy breathing "Oh no. Emily!" I said rushing to her side. Leslie came right after me. She started breathing heavier and heavier. "Ash get a bag!" I yelled at him and he ran to the kitchen area, handing me a bag thirty seconds later. I handed it to Emily and she quickly put it to her mouth, trying to slow her breathing. "Slowly Em, come on." Luke said, sitting next to her and rubbing gentle circles onto her back, trying to calm her down as Cal, Mikey and Leslie hovered around us worriedly. Eventually the bag and Luke's and I's soothing words worked. She calmed down and started to breath normally. "You alright?" I asked and she nodded. "Good!" I said hugging her, and sitting back down next to Michael. "So where are we going now?" Leslie asked "We're heading to Woodlands, Texas. So Houston basically." Calum informed us and we nodded "How long is that gonna take?" I asked. "Around 3 hours or so." Ashton replied. "I'm hungry!" Calum complained and Mikey and I laughed. "That sucks Cal. Guess you should have gotten up early to get breakfast like Bella and I did." he said teasingly, winking at me. "Yea I'm hungry too." Emily added and Luke, Leslie and Ashton agreed. "Sucks to suck." I laughed and Michael joined in. "Shut up you two!" Emily yelled ast us, making us and everyone else laugh harder. "Tom?" Calum said. "Yeah?" Tom said back. "Can we stop and get food?" Cal asked "Yeah sure, where do you guys wanna go?" Tom asked and Calum looked at us. We looked at each other for ideas and coming up with none, I shrugged in response. "What's closest?" Calum asked. "There's a Subway, Taco Bell, and a Chick-fil-A." Tom said "What the hell is Chick-fil-A?" Ashton asked Les, Em and I. "It serves mostly chicken, like sandwiches and stuff." Emily informed them. "So like KFC? Because 4 years ago-" Ash began. "Oh god." "Not again." "Shut up Ashton!" The boys groaned. "Fine." Ash pouted, "Let's go to Chick-fil-A." A few minutes later Tom dropped us off in the front and went around back to wait for us. We went in and Les and Em up to the register to order, while I stayed behind to talk to the boys since I didn't come here a lot either. I looked at the band and giggled at their expressions. They were looking around in awe, like they had never seen anything like the inside of a Chick-fil-A, even though it looked like any other fast food restaurant. "What are they ordering?" Luke asked me. "I don't know, I've only been here like three times." I replied with a laugh. "Spicy or not spicy?" Emily asked us from the register. "Spicy." Ashton, Michael and I said in unison. "Not" Luke and Calum said, all of us walking over to her. Emily nodded. "Five spicy and two regular chicken sandwiches." She said to the cashier and pulled out her debit card. "Nope I got this." Calum said and handed the cashier his card instead.

Leslie's POV

We walked back into the bus after we got our bag of food. "Ready to go now?" Tom asked the boys nodded as we looked through the bags for our food. The girls and I sat across from the boys and watched as they began to unwrap their food. "What? You guys are staring at us." Michael said confusedly. "We wanna see how you like Chick-fil-A." Bella explained, chuckling as the guys simply shrugged. They fully unwrapped their sandwiches and took their first bites. Their eyes widened as they took their second bite. "So? How is it?" I asked. "Um, I think I'm in love with this sandwich?" Ashton said, staring down at it. "Is it illegal to marry food?" Luke asked, looking up from the sandwich. "Yes Luke, it is." Emily answered, giggling as we started to eat our food as well. Calum got up after he finished his sandwich. "Anyone wanna play FIFA?" he asked as he walked towards the television and Xbox set up on the other side of the bus. "Sure." Emily and Luke said in unison which made them laugh. "Anyone else?" he asked and we shook our heads "I'm tired." Bella said and yawned. "I am too." Michael said "Wanna go sleep in my bunk?" Mikey asked and Bella nodded. Bella followed after Michael into the tight hallway where the bunks were located and climbed into his top bunk. I walked to my suitcase, pulling out my MacBook and sitting next to Ashton, where he was watching Emily and Calum arguing over who was winning the FIFA game and giggling adorably. "Wanna play Sims 4?" I asked and he nodded, scooting a bit closer to me to see the screen better. I launched a new game and made my character. I'm so lucky they have a purple hair color in Create-a-Sim mode. After finishing my outfits, I handed it to Ashton to make his Sim-self. "Ashton you can't have green skin! Or that much muscle!" I complained and he laughed. "Aw, but I look like the Hulk!" he protested. "No Ash." I said stubbornly. He looked at me sadly, changing the skin tone to his natural tan color and turning down the muscle amount. "Weirdo" I said with a grin. "Hey! That's not nice" he said with a fake sob. "Aw I'm sorry Ash." I said hugging him and he giggled and finished his character. He handed my laptop back and I made the girls and the boys and entering a cheat so we can buy a big enough house for all of us. "It's like our lives now!" I said and he nodded, smiling and watching the screen.

Emily's POV

*2 hours later*

We arrived at the Woodlands venue at around 3:00 pm. Tom parked the bus in the fenced area behind the venue. "5SAUCE!! 5SAUCE!!" we heard the fans shouting from outside the fence. "Looks like you girls aren't gonna get mobbed this time." Ashton said. "Thank God" I groaned. "Let's go into the venue." Calum said as he opened the bus door. The fans started to scream as soon as Calum stepped out of the bus. The boys started to walk to the opening in the fence to sign autographs, and Bella, Leslie and I walked with them but staying a few feet away from the crowd. I don't think I'll ever get used to all these people surrounding us all the time. I don't even know how the band does it. They signed a few autographs and took a few pictures until the security guards realized what they were doing and pulled them away. We began to walk towards the venue entrance. "I am so tired." Bella groans, leaning into Mikey. He smirks and immediately picks her up, throwing her over his shoulder. "Michael! Put me down!" Bella yells, trying to sound angry but failing miserably. "No. You're tired, so I'll carry you." he laughed. The fans behind us screamed even louder, some of them 'awe'-ing and some of them asking what our names were. "Don't answer any questions guys." Ashton told us. "Why not?" I asked. "It just gives them more power over you guys. Very few fans know who you guys are, so fewer hate on you." Michael says. "We just don't want you to get hurt. You're our friends." Cal explained further. "That makes sense I guess." Leslie nods. "I think we have to go to sound check right now." Luke said as we stepped into the backstage area and headed towards their dressing room. We chatted and joked around as we walked. "You guys can either come watch or stay here in the dressing room?" Luke asked when we got to the dressing room door. The girls and I looked at each other. "I wanna go watch." I said and Bel and Les agreed. We followed them past the dressing room to the stage area and sat down on stage to wait for their sound check to finish.

4 hours later

We all sat back in the dressing rooms waiting till someone comes in to tell the boys to get on stage. "Where are we gonna be when you guys go on stage?" Bella asked. "You guys can watch from the wings of the stage if you want?" Luke asked and we nodded. "That would be fun." I said "Yeah, we'll do that." Leslie said. We waited around for another few minutes in comfortable silence. "Okay boys, it's show time!" a security guy came in and told the boys. Everyone got up and walked through the door. We navigated through the halls and finally reached the stage "Good luck boys." I said, hugging each of them. "You'll do great out there!" Bella chirped before also giving them hugs. "Good luck!" Leslie smiled as she hugged them. Ashton took a seat on his drum kit, which was behind a metal barrier while Luke, Mikey and Cal grabbed their instruments and walked out on stage one by one. The crowd went crazy when they heard the band begin to play, but we were the ones sitting in the wings, cheering as loud as we can for our boys, our friends.

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