Chapter 13: Promise!

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Leslie POV

We where rushed to the airport, the boys where really excited to go back home and see their families. "You ready to meet everyone?" Luke asked and Bella and I giggled at Emily knowing she had wanted to meet Liz Hemmings forever. "Yea Emily don't you get to stay with the queen Liz" Bella smirked and Emily shot her a death glare. "I'm really excited for Emily to meet my mom" Luke protected her. Emily stuck her tongue out at Bella and I. "Let's go home boys" Calum smiled as we boarded the plane. We all got seated and we began our journey to Australia. "So you guys excited to play in Australia?" Ashton looked at us. "We don't even have a name!" I explained to them. "Well.." He hummed "how about mixtape?" Luke blurted out "that's nice" Emily smiled and we all looked at each other "mixtape it is!" Bella laughed and we looked at each other excitedly.

Hours later

We walked out to the cool breeze of Sydney's beautiful spring weather. "Wow this is beautiful" Emily spoke amazed by the beauty of Sydney. We walked through the airport and Ashton screeched. He ran towards familiar faces dragging me along with him. He hugged a younger boy "hey Harry how's it been buddy" he said to Harry "Leslie this is my brother Harry, my sister Lauren and my mother" he informed me I waved shyly "it's such a pleasure to meet you Leslie, Ashton has told me a lot about you." His mother spoke "thank you Ms.Irwin I'm so glad I get to meet the parent of this weirdo" I smiled at Ashton, he kissed my cheek. "You can call me Anne" she said and pulled me into a hug. "Hey les come meet my sister and mom!" Calum yelled and I walked over to him. "Leslie this is my mom Joy, father David and the best sister I could ask for Mali." He informed me "nice to meet you all" I smiled but was quickly pulled into a warm embrace by joy and David. "These boys didn't drive you that crazy did they?" Joy asked and I laughed "no they are strange but so are the girls and I" I informed her. "Well it's great to meet you Leslie!" Mali spoke and I smiled at her  "who's staying where?" Joy asked as we all came together in a big circle. "Well ash I'm sorry but Leslie can't stay with us" Anne spoke and looked at Ash, I frowned at him."well Leslie can stay with us" joy chirped "Mom can Em stay with us?" Luke asked Liz with a puppy dog face. She laughed and nodded, Luke smiled and hugged her "thanks mom!" He giggled looking at Emily. "Where is Bella gonna stay?" Mikey asked looking at his parents "she'll stay with us" Karen offered "great! Well we've gotta get these girls signed as well while we are here." Henry said "so Wednesday meet us at the office and then you three have to hit the studio before the gigs start." He continued pointing at us. It was now Monday and I couldn't wait to sleep. We where so jet lagged it wasn't even funny. We started to walk out of the airport "I'll see you guys soon" Emily said hugging Bella and I. "Don't have to much fun!" Bella whispered winking at her "Mikey! Take care of her!" Emily yelled at him "promise!" He yelled back and she walked back to Luke, he grabbed her hand "they are so gonna go out soon" Bella whispered in my ear and I nodded in agreement. I walked over to ash who was waiting for me to say goodbye. "I'll miss you" I said hugging him "oh I'll see you later" he smirked  "Come on les we gotta go" Calum yelled from the car I kissed ash and walked back to Bella.  "I'll see you soon!" I said hugging Bella "miss you already!" She said as I walked away waving.

Emily's POV

Luke grabbed my suitcase and handed it to me. We where outside a beautiful house. "This is where I grew up." He informed me "it's so pretty!" I said and he smiled pulling his suitcase out of the car taking my hand in his. We walked into the house welcomed by the scent of Sunday roast. "Mom can Emily stay in my room?" Luke asked as we walked into the kitchen. "Luke you know the rule." Liz said looking at him "but mom" Luke complained "no" she said firmly "she can stay in Ben's old room" Liz said and Luke nodded taking me to Ben's room. The room was tan colored and had only a bed and dresser in it. "You can put your clothes away and then come to my room right across the hall, I'll give you a tour." He kissed me cheek and left shutting the door behind him. I quickly unpacked and walked quietly through the hall and knocked lightly on Luke's door. He opened it and let me in. His room was lightly colored with posters of bands like Green Day, Good Charlotte and Blink. I looked around in amazement he had a TV hooked up to an Xbox and a stereo in the far corner. "You have a nice room" I complimented, he laughed "thanks, this is how it all started with these bands" he sighed "fells like just yesterday we where at band practice in Mikey garage" he smiled and I looked at him pulling him in for a hug. "And now you've hit it big" I spoke quietly as I pulled out of the hug. We both laughed and he opened the door "ready for that tour?" He asked holding out his hand and I nodded taking his hand and walking out of the room. We walked to his backyard where a yellow lab sat at the door. "MOLLY!" Luke shouted as he opened the door the dog got up from its seated position to greet Luke. "God how I've missed you" he said petting Molly. "Emily this is Molly" he said and I stuck my hand out to pet her. "Do you have any dogs Em?" Luke asked looking at me "yep I have two black labs" I informed him and he nodded. We walked back inside to be called to supper by Liz. We sat at the table with Liz, Andrew and Luke's brother Jack who Luke resembles. "So Emily you live in Florida" Liz asked and I nodded "Orlando to be exact." I informed her and she smiled "I've Always wanted to go to Orlando what is it like?" She asked "well it's very humid, but it's such a gorgeous place to live. Leslie Bella and I use to go to the beach all the time it was our favorite place to be" I explained and she nodded "you should see the beach here especially at sunset it's beautiful" she informed "I guess I'll have to show her sometime" Luke said and his mom glared at him making me giggle. "You have such a cute laugh" Jack complimented and Luke shot him a death glare. "Thank you Jack" I said and began eating as Liz asked Luke about the tour. We finished the meal "that was delicious" I smiled "thank you" she said picking up her and jacks plates. "Let me help" I picked up Luke and Andrews and my own plate bringing it to the kitchen to help clean the dishes. After Liz and I had finished we walked back to the dinning room where the boys still sat. I yawned due to jet lag I was terrible tired. "Thank you so much for the lovely meal Liz" I yawned again she looked at me "why don't you head off tho bed you look exhausted" she said and I nodded "goodnight" I said and walked back to my room. I grabbed some clothes and a towel and headed towards the bathroom hopping in the shower. After I finished I changed and walked back to the room climbing into bed.

Hour later

I tossed and turned but couldn't find any comfortable spots. It felt weird not having Luke's arms wrapped around me like usual. I pulled my phone off the charger and texted him.

Em🙊: Luke.... I can't sleep.

I hit send and put my phone back on the charger. I heard my door creep open I looked at who ever came in. A shirtless Luke walked in shutting the door behind him. He came behind me and slid himself into the bed. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close. "I couldn't sleep either" he said kissing my nose. I shut my eyes "better?" He asked and I nodded drifting off to dreamland.

Bella POV

I walked to the kitchen where Mikey has demanded I get him some Oreos. I'm not gonna get him some regular Oreos I'm gonna get him so very minty Oreos. I laugh to myself and grabbed the white Toothpaste from my bag and the package of Oreos. I exchanged the creme with the tooth paste, flattening them to make it look like nothing happened. I brought him the special Oreos and he smiled "thank you" he said picking one up, I used my acting skills and stayed quiet. He took a bite of an Oreo and quickly spit it out. "Bell what the hell" he looked at me "hey that rhymed, anyways what the hell?!?" He shouted getting up from his chair. "Cause I'm the queen of pranks" I smirked sticking my tongue out at him. "Yea but I'm the king" he winked at me, he came close to me, I quickly ran away laughing. Being me I tripped over the rug and scraped my knee on the uncovered concrete floor. My knee began to bleed badly and it hurt terribly. My eyes became glossy and I was on the verge of tears. "Bella!" Mikey said running to my side. "I'm gonna go get the first aid kit stay there." He said running out of the room "I can't go any where else dumbass." I laughed to myself. He quickly ran back with a bucket of first aid stuff. He pulled out the biggest band-aid he could find and put it on my bleeding knee. "My hero" I kissed  his cheek he blushed and I laughed quietly. He helped me up, I had to limp a little cause it hurt to straighten the leg"ow!" I complained about the pain "Wanna go watch a movie in my room?" Mikey asked and I nodded "sounds perfect." I smiled as I started to walk. He noticed my pain and swooped me up into the arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck holding on tightly, afraid he might drop me. We got to his room and he set me down on his bed. "What movie do you wanna watch?" I shrugged "wow so helpful" he shook his head "umm maze runner?" He suggested and I nodded, he put the movie into the player and turned off the lights. He got into bed and I moved closer to him resting my head on his chest. The movie began and we watched in silence. I slowly fell asleep to the sound of his soft heart beat.

The next day

I woke up to Karen's voice shouting for Mikey and I. "Breakfast!" She shouted I looked up at Mikey and his eyes where still shut "wake up sleepy head" I whispered and his eyes fluttered open. I tried to get up but was pulled down "no cuddle a little longer please" Mikey complained "fine but only for 2 minutes then we need to get up" I said cuddling him a little longer. "MICHAEL GORDAN CLIFFORD!" Karen yelled and Mikey jumped up and ran out of the room. I laughed and followed him to the dining room where Karen had made us some delicious pancakes. "Thank you so much Karen" I said sitting down and ate my pancakes.

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