20| Fight

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This was the missing chapter and why they all got suspended*** my apologies😅


Me and Cole have been getting along just fine and were slowly but surely getting back to normal. I mean I'll never fully trust him again but he's still my blood.

"I'll see you later Cale," Cole nudged me before we parted ways, entering the school as he joined his jock friends by the staircase.

"Caley!" Ben called me out in the open, just a few feet away from my brother and my eyes widen. I forced out a smile as he approach me but has no idea what else to do cause I promised him I would tell Cole about us but I didn't had the chance too cause me and my brother are still building back up our relationship from the fight we had.

"Hey Ben, listen I-" I didn't get to finish telling him what I was gonna say when he pressed me up against the locker and kissed me deeply that caught me off guard and I just let him.

"Son of a fucking bitch!" I heard Cole growl behind us and I snapped out of dreamland. "Get off my fucking sister!" I glanced behind Ben and saw my brother charging towards us. Ben glanced back and gave me a confused look.

"I thought you told him?" he said and I gave him an apologetic look.

"I was going to but you told me to forgive him and I- watch out!" I shrilled as Cole grabbed the back of his shirt, throwing a punch by his cheek. Oh no! "Cole! stop!" I said out loud as Ben stumbled slightly by the impact of the hit.

"He had his tongue down your throat! Who does he think you are?! Why're you protecting him?!" Cole said angrily, pointing at Ben who wiped off his mouth. I licked my lower lip and was about to tell him the truth when Ben swung for his nose that made me gasp.

"Fucking bastard!" Ben sneered. Cole wasn't expecting it and almost loose his footing but Ben wasn't done, throwing a jab on my brother's abdomen followed by a hard hit on Cole's jaw line that made him fall on the ground.

"Ben stop! Stop," I pulled back my boyfriend's arm as his fist were tightly clenched. I guess he had enough of Cole treating him like shit for the past five years. A crowd was formed around us while Rey and some other guys helped my brother up.

"Caley? What the fuck is the meaning of this?!" Cole spat out bitterly with his brows deeply creased as he pressed up his jaw.

"I was gonna tell you but we were just getting back to normal and I didn't get the chance to do so," I said, looking at him with remorse.

"Tell me what." he sneered like he knows what's coming and I swallowed. He betrayed you Caley, remember?

"I'm..." I started but it seemed stuck in my throat, not able to get out of my mouth.

"I'm dating your sister," Ben said it for me. Cole's eyes turned to rage before a slice of pain flashed through his hooded gaze.

"Mother fucker!" he growled out and was about to jump Ben when his friends held him back. Rey wouldn't meet my gaze and I know why, because he's been after me and I didn't give him a chance, choosing Ben all along.

"What's going on here?" Our principal came in the scene of fight and told everyone to get going to wherever they're supposed to be, leaving me, Ben, Cole and a few of his friends. "All of you. My office, now." Mr. Jones told all of us who were involved. Cole snatched his arms off his friends grasp and glared at me and Ben before storming towards the principals office. I knew he would react this way.

Ben slid his hand to mine and I gripped on it tightly, peering up at him. I shouldn't feel guilty since Cole lied to me on the first place, we're even now but I can't shake off the feeling and the way he looked at us was very deadly, it scared me that he might literally hurt Ben.

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