15| Hide me

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"Do you have any plans? Could you babysit Beatrice for the long weekend Ben?" Mom asked me as I was about to go bed. Oh no, no no no. I'm not babysitting no kid this long weekend.

"No I can't, me and Karl are going down to Malibu," that was lie. I don't even have anything planned this weekend but I rather make plans than stay with my sister all weekend. Don't get me wrong, I love Beatrice but I need a break from her.

"Oh that's okay, you have fun. I'm jut looking for someone who can babysit Beatrice cause me and your father are going to Texas till next week, could you stay with her tomorrow morning? Cause we're leaving early," she asked and I looked over at my sister who was playing with her dolls in the living room. Uh yeah, how bout no.

"I'm leaving early too," I told mom who sighed at me.

"Okay fine, I'll just bring her to your Aunty," she told me and I nodded, trying to look supportive of her decision. I don't really care, as long as I don't get to spend my weekend with Beatrice.

"Alright, night mom, I'll have to wake up early tomorrow," I told her and she waved me off, crouching in front of my sister . Now where should I go tomorrow? All my friends are busy- except for my girlfriend.


Benjamin: Please come down stairs, I'm in front of your house.

I received a message from Ben early this Friday morning and I yawned, reading the text. He might've forgotten that there's no school today for whatever reason. I kicked my sheets off and put on my robe before sneaking downstairs to make sure no one was awake.

I unlocked the doors and strolled outside to find Benjamin sitting on the porch steps with his hands entwined together on his knees, his bag was beside him and I quirk a brow. His head whipped around as he stood up, pulling me immediately into a hug. Well someone's excited to see me.

"What're you doing here? It's too early," I told him, hugging him back.

"I got kicked out of my house, my dad lost something from his office and he's blaming me," he said, his face pained and my eyes widened as I stared at him. Is he serious? But his dad seemed so nice...

"Ohmigawd, did you walk here?" I asked curiously cause I didn't find his car anywhere near my house, he shook his head.

"Well literally yeah, I walked from Marx's to here cause I figured you wouldn't want me parking my car here," he said and I blinked at him. He walked from his friend's house to here? That's a bit far...

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned, he nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just hoping I can stay here for a while," he asked and my head got jumbled up for a second. Stay at my place...? Cole will kill him if he finds Ben staying at our house specifically.

"Uhm you can stay in the pool house," I said and he shrugged nonchalantly. I tugged his arm towards the backyard and made my way towards the pool house where we stayed once that held a lot of memories. I reached for the door but it was fucking lock. Who would lock the pool house?! "Fuck." I muttered.

"What's wrong?" Benjamin asked behind me and I turned to look at him in dread. We just need to be sneaky if I bring him to my room.

"It's lock, you'll have to hide in my room," I told him and he grinned, nodding excitedly. "Don't get any ideas." I rolled my eyes, pulling his hand towards the house as I sneaked him upstairs to my room, closing the door shut behind us.

I leaned back on the door and let out a breath to find Ben standing in front of me with a grin on his face once we were in my room, lowering his head to press a kiss on my lips, I kissed back.

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