17| Us Against The World

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I rang the doorbell of my best friend's home multiple times and there weren't any answers. I tried calling Veronica and ringing the doorbell at the same time to get her to get the door and within minutes, my best friend stood in front of me with a deep frown on her face.

"Caley?! Why're you crying? What happened?" her face softened and I instantly stepped inside, hugging her tightly as I cried on her shoulder. she just let me cry on her shoulder for a good while she caressed my hair softly. "Shhhh, did Ben break up with you?" she asked and I pulled away, shaking my head.

"It's my brother," I said and she gasped.

"Danny got into an accident?!" My brows furrowed and I shook my head, wiping my eyes dry.

"No. Cole is a dumbshit," I told her and she gave me a neutral look.

"Hey what's going on?" Jared came down the stairs and I exchanged looks with Veronica. What's going on here...? Did I just interrupt them...?

"It's not what you think, we're just hanging out," she said and I don't even care if they're doing the deed or not.

"Caley, you alright?" Jared asked as he saw me and I shook my head, taking a sit on Veronica's sofa.

"What happened?" Ver sat beside me, looking likes she's ready to listen and I chuckled dryly at how stupid I've been. I've never cried for a boy before except my brother.

"Did you know that Cole has been keeping a shitload of things from me?" I said annoyed and their brows rose up. Jared took a sit on the love seat, looking interested.

"I thought you guys tell each other everything? No secrets," Veronica said and hearing that made me want to rip my brothers head off. Veronica has been my best friend next to Cole, for a really long time now and she knows what's up, she's like a sister to me. I've been an open book while my brother has been a treasure chest with a lock in it.

"That's what I thought too," I scoffed.

"What did he tell you?" she asked me and I breathed out deeply, staring ahead of me.

"A lot of things," I murmured. "It boggles my mind how he can keep that much in him," my forehead creased and they remained silent. "Did you know Hillary was his first?" I turned to look at Veronica and her brows rose up. Might as well tell her since it's not such a secret anymore.

"H-Hillary?!" she choked on the unfamiliar name as her eyes widen.

"Yeah, back in eight grade," I said annoyed. "I mean he apparently told his friends but not me," I told her and she gave me the oh-shit look cause I'm about to blow up some shit up.

"Did he tell you why?" Veronica asked and I glared at something from afar before moving my gaze to her.

"He said I wouldn't look at him the same which is the dumbest thing I heard. He's my brother, my blood! Of course I would never look at him differently. I might get upset but now it's like I don't know him." My eyes watering again. I don't know why I'm even crying, I need to stop crying for no reason.

"C'mere," Veronica pulled me into a hug and let me just cry. "Cole was just scared that he'll loose you Caley," she told me and I sniffed, biting my lip to stop myself from sobbing.

"Well he lost my trust," I cried. James looked at me with pity in his eyes but I ignored him. "Sorry if I disrupted you guys," I detached away slightly but Veronica pulled me back in, rubbing my back.

"You don't have to worry about us Cale, we weren't doing anything anyways," Veronica said as she was comforting me. Jared forced out a smile before he grabbed his phone from his pocket, his face turning neutral.

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