14| Love life

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"Cole, Caley! Are you ready?" mom called down from downstairs and I kissed my teeth. Aunt Cassie is hosting a dinner so we're supposed to go there apparently.

"I have to go," I told Ben who was on the other line.

"Okay, have fun," he said and I groaned, grabbing my shoes as I walked out of my room.

"Not really but bye, I'll text you," I said before hanging up. Cole stepped out of his room, giving me a curious look as we walked down the staircase to where mom and Danny were waiting.

"Who was that?" he asked curiously and I looked at him.

"No one, who was what?" I asked, acting dumb as I hopped in the back seat of dad's Mercedes Benz.

"Caley, could you fasten your brother please," mom asked me to do so as she placed Danny on the car sit before shutting the door close. "Were already late, Cassie will get pissed," she said once she sat on the front seat beside dad.

"Don't worry babe, it's fine," dad told her. "Everyone ready?" he asked, glancing back.

"Hold on Danny!" I said irritated as he kept moving around with his lightning McQueen stuffed toy. "Okay dad," I sighed, after tackling that seatbelt on my brother. It sucks how I had to sit in the middle. Dad drove off and I shut my eyes closed as I'm feeling tired already, I just wanna stay home and sleep.

"Caley," Cole nudged me and I peeled my eyes open, moving my gaze to him. "So Melvin has been asking me if you have a boyfriend," I quirk a brow as he told me what his friend has been asking.

"And...?" I said and he shrugged a shoulder. Melvin is one of his team mate in football, he's cute but he never hinted that he likes me, well he's a bit shy and sometimes teased me.

"I told him no and he asked me if he could ask you out, I said I don't care," Cole told me and I swallowed. "So I'm just giving you a heads up if he asks you out." He said and I jut stared at my brother.

"Er... I'm not really interested..." I awkwardly said since I don't know how to explain to him that I'm dating Ben behind his back.

"Why not? I've been friends with the dude for a long time and he really likes you, it's annoying when he talks about you," he said and I huffed out a breath.

"It's not that, I..." I didn't know what to say. Fuck. I can't even make up any excuses because Ben keeps popping in my head. Cole was waiting for what I was gonna say and I licked my lips.

"Stop pressuring your sister Cole, she would want to date if she wants, if she doesn't then don't force her with a guy she doesn't like," I let out a breath of relief when mom saved me from the front seat and I looked through the windshield. Cole said nothing else, looking out of the window.

"Just give him a chance, he's really desperate for you," he whispered beside me and I grumbled.

"Cole." Mom said in a warning tone, I pursed my lips.

"Okay I'll shut up!" Cole said, moving his gaze out the window.

"Y'all are really late," aunt Cassie said as soon as we entered the dining room. Everyone was there and we were the only ones who came late. Awks.

I sat down across from Brando and found Denise at the end of the table, feeding Sylvia. Aunt Cass always host family dinners like this every other week since I was little and I'm always tired when it happens cause an argue Kent or a fight will be brought up. I don't know about tonight though.

"Could you pass the peas," Brando asked and I searched for the peas through the table and it was right in front of Denise.

Denise ignored him and continued feeding Sylvia as I switched my gaze back and forth. The dinner table became silent and we all were looking at Denise who was oblivious of everything. Awkward.

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