8| Innocence Gone.

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I was getting ready for the party Ben invited me to go with him to when Cole walked in my room.

"Hey sis- are you going to Jameson's party?" he asked me and I nodded, continuing to straighten my hair.

"Yeah, are you?" I asked and I saw him nod through the mirror. I wore on some tight dress I found in my moms closet since all my dresses are very elegant and sophisticated for our parties but I was lucky to find a rouge dress with a scoop back, and moms seven inch heels in her closet. She doesn't know since dad and her went on a date.

"You have a date?" he asked me and I stilled for a second before shaking my head.

"No," I lied. I'm good at lying but sometimes Cole can see through me.

"Okay I'll be waiting in my car, don't be long," he said and I agreed, swiping on a layer of mascara on my eyes. Who am I trying to impress anyways? Benjamin? psh I'm silly.

I stood up and gave myself a once over before turning around. Ooh! my booty is looking nice. I smiled in satisfaction before I grabbed my phone and keys before following Cole outside to his car.

"Why you so dressed up?" he asked me, pulling off immediately from our driveway.

"Why? I can't dress up?" I butted back and he sighed, shaking his head.

"But if anyone touch you, I swear Im ready to kill," he told me and I gulped, nodding. Cole is pretty much older than me by a minute, we just couldn't stay in that womb for another second after being stuck in my moms tummy for nine months.

"Yeah okay," I mumbled, looking out the window as Cole turned on the radio. I was waiting if he would mention a girl he's dating but the music filled the car and my thought was forgotten.

Unknown #: you have a ride?

I forgot to change his name in my contacts so I did it right away, changing it to his first name, Benjamin H.

Me: yeah Cole is coming so you better be good at hiding

Benjamin H: Haha okay, you'll have to hide with me too;)

Me: whatever. We're just a few minutes away

Cole exceeded the speed limit and drove towards Jameson's house in a flash, parking his car on the lawn as the driveway was already full. I frowned as I have to walk on grass with heels on.

"So what time are we going home?" Cole asked me before I can escape his car.

"Midnight?" I suggested and he nodded.

"Alright, find me by midnight and I think you'll be the one who's gonna drive tonight," he told me and I breathed out.

"Don't get too drunk Cole, mom will whoop your ass," I told him and he chuckled as we both walked towards the front doors. It's not fair how he's an inch taller than me.

"I won't," he grinned, turning the knob of the front door. We just walked in and everyone looked like they were having a good time. We on the other hand are fashionably late of course.

The atmosphere was a bit dark with strobe lights around the house so I guess Benjamin's good from Cole. People were making out by the wall side and I just weave my way through the kitchen to get myself a drink.

"Caley!" Jameson approached me as I was walking and I turned around to find him with a solo cup in hand.

"Hey," I smiled, giving him a hug. He buried his nose on my neck and sniffed me good before pulling away, he's drunk.

"Oh damn! you look hot!" he told me and I smirked. "Where's your brother?" he asked me and I pointed towards the football guys in the corner who had bitches in their arms. "Okay thanks, have fun baby," he winked before walking towards the football crowd.

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