6| Meet Up

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What the fuck was I thinking?! Caley would bolt away when she sees that I'm the one who she's been texting this whole time. Maybe I should just play it cool.

My parents embarrassed me last night at the dinner table in front of her but she didn't seem to mind, instead she found it amusing. It was horrible for me.

I parked my car in my usual spot and walked behind the school that leads to the lake house. I saw a blonde chick waiting there and I swallowed as it was Caley. I asked Karl to placed the teddy bear I bought by the picnic table cause girls like things that are fluffy and I'll get a better chance of winning her over. Dammit! Should've gotten her a puppy instead, bet she love puppies.

I really fucking like her badly and I will be devastated if she rejects me, I don't take rejections out too well. It's been a while I had this feeling towards Caley, I thought it was just a crush but it's not, I just have to have her. Mine. Even if I have to fight her brother to get to her, I will fucking do it.

I put on my hoodie, shoving my hands in my pockets as I started towards the lake house. I'm nervous as hell since I haven't like a girl this bad before. I mean I'm pretty good with girls but revealing myself to Caley and seeing how she's gonna react scared the shit out of me. It's probably because of her caring nature or what not that drew me towards her but it was something that made me like her so bad. I'm done pretending, I need her.


I walked over to the lake house by the reserve and found a huge teddy bear with a ribbon around it. I sighed shaking my head as I believed this guy once again, I'm so gullible. I'm so tired of this being sneaky and anonymous shit. I need to meet him.

I pulled out my phone and dialled his number, calling him directly cause I have no patience to text people who waste my time.

A guy wearing a black hoodie appeared from a far and I squinted my eyes to have a good look of who it could be. Rapist!!!

"Holy fuck." I muttered. "I fucking knew it was you!" I spat out when Ben slid the hood off his head, grinning at me widely.

"It was me what?" he said, acting oblivious. Psh! like he doesn't know!

"The guy who was texting me?! remember?" I said and he quirk a brow.

"I've lost my phone, I don't know what you're talking about," he said pretty clueless and my brows shot up.

"When'd you loose your phone? and what're you doing here then?!" I said and he thought about it for a second.

"A week ago? and I'm here because my friends said to meet them by the lake house," he told me and I felt stupid instantly.

"So it's been your friends who was prank texting me," I said flatly and he shrugged nonchalantly, moving his gaze to the bear.

"I guess, I mean I talk to them about you a lot," he mumbled and my eyes widen.

"What?" I said loudly and he moved his gaze to me.

"What?" he said back and I quirk a brow at him that made him look away. "Nothing, never mind I said anything." He mumbled and I smirked.

"Is this bear from you?" I asked curiously and he stared at the bear, probably thinking of what he's gonna say.

"Yeah it's from me, I was thinking of giving it to the most beautiful girl in school but I guess you can have it," he told me jokingly with a smirk on his face and I gave him a flat look. Wow, I'm flattered at all.

"Then take it back if you think I don't deserve it," I shoved him the six feet bear and he carried it like it weighed nothing, snatching my arm back as I was about to walk off.

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