5| Dinner w/ the Fam

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"So are you getting a ride from me or do you want your brother to drop you off?" Ben asked as soon as the bell rang since he sits beside me now in biology because of his poor sight from the back. I think he just wanna sit by me honestly.

I asked Mr. West about Ben and how I'm supposed to tutor him and he agreed that Benjamin needs some help and I would be perfect for it. I'll also get some credits for helping Ben out and my grade will increase 10% if Ben gets his grades up. It was more of a bargain but I took the chance and agreed on tutoring Ben for the rest of the semester.

"I texted him and told Cole that I'm coming over to Veronica's so I'm getting a ride from you," I told Ben as he followed me towards my locker. "He will flip if he finds out I'm helping you," I said once I unlocked my locker, grabbing my bag and some things I needed before we leave the school property. He just stood there and nodded, watching me closely. "What?" I said and he smiled, shaking his head. It's a regular thing now that he's looking at me. It doesn't even look like he's trying to hide it.

"Nothing, let's go," he nod over for me to follow and I walked behind him. A lot of people looked our way as we passed by and I felt uncomfortable under their judging gazes.

Cole's car was gone once we reached the parking lot but I hope his friends didn't see me. Benjamin pressed the keys of his car and I popped the passenger side of his Porsche. I was careful getting in because I don't want to break anything in his car.

"Ready?" he asked me and I nodded, buckling up my seatbelt as he sped through the parking lot that made me grip on my bag. Tightly.

The ride was mostly quiet since neither of us wants to start a conversation and it was less than five minutes before we arrived to his huge house. It's not a mansion, but it's pretty big, like my own house. I didn't say anything and just got out of the car, following right behind as he unlocked the front doors.

"We should go to my room, my parents usually come home at around this hour," he said, climbing straight up the stairs without even asking me if I'm comfortable with that. I'm honestly not and I rather tutor him in the kitchen or living room.

I placed my bag by his bedside and sat on his office chair, looking around at his very boyish room as I analyze it carefully. "Do you want anything?" he asked but I shook my head.

"Why would you do it?" I blurted out and his attention snapped to me.

"Do what...?" he asked, obviously confused and I shook my head.

"Why'd you kiss Hillary? You know she was Cole's." I said, my eyes wandering down the floor. I glanced up and he was looking at me closely.

"Are we seriously talking about this? it's the past and is forgotten Caley, how can you even bring that up?" he said, sitting on his bed as he took out his notes and book.

"I'm just curious," I whispered. "I jut remembered when I helped- you know what, forget I said anything." I pursed my lips, writing something down on my notes.

"You wanna know the truth?" he said after a few seconds of silence and I just ignored him. "She's the one who came up to me, it wasn't me who kissed her, it was her and Cole just caught us," he said seriously without a hint of rumour and I turned my attention to him. I feel like he's telling the truth.

"But I don't understand, Hillary-" I was cut off when Ben continued for me.

"Is a slut? Yeah," he sighed, pulling my chair over to him that made my forehead creased. "Now let's get me some a+!" he said, brushing off the topic and I quirk a brow.

"But why didn't you fight back and defend yourself from Cole if it wasn't your fault?" I said and he looked up at me dead in the eyes like he's talking to my soul.

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