1| Bouquet

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Cole rushed behind the school building and I was hot on his tail. He was furious as he ran with his fist clenched, shoving the doors harshly that made me repel back, falling on my ass.

"Are you okay Caley?" Logan asked me as we both followed Cole.

"Yeah I'm fine," I said, dusting myself off before standing back up and pushing the door the shut in front of my face. My brother needs to chill down.

I ran behind the building and found Benjamin pinned up against the brick wall while Cole took a few jabs on his face to the point that he had a nose bleed. Hillary stood there with tears on her eyes as she screamed stop but it didn't do anything.

"Cole!" I shouted. Me and Logan rushed over to them, trying to pull Cole away from Ben and he immediately dropped on the ground with his bruised up face as Logan pushed Cole off.

"You're a fucking bastard!" Cole shouted and Benjamin flinched. I crouched down in front of Ben and analyzed his face that was swollen.

"Are you okay?" I asked and he shook his head slowly, coughing out. Well duh! how can he be okay Caley?! I heard Hillary and Cole arguing by the side but I ignored them, Logan can deal with that. It was getting heated up and I felt like I had to do something.

"Stop! Shut the fuck up!" I said out loudly and they did. "Logan, bring Cole inside, I think our mom is waiting, I'll follow behind." I ordered Logan and he pulled on Cole who glared at Benjamin before moving his cold gaze to Hillary.

"Were done." He sneered, pulling his arms free from Logan's grasp and kicking Benjamin's leg before walking away. Hillary just stood there with tears stained cheek and I didn't gave crap about her cause this was all her fault in the first place.

If she didn't do what she was doing with Ben, my brother would've never been in rage and use Ben's face as a punching bag. She should blame herself. I wanted to say something but kept it to myself cause my mom said, if you have nothing better to say, don't say it at all. Cause I'm a nice child.

I went back to Ben and he looked at me with dead eyes. His lips had a cut and I actually felt bad.

"Let's go," he reached for my hand and hoist himself up but then stumbled against me that made me almost fall back. My back was pressed against the wall as his body leaned against mine. I would say he's cute but he ain't cute with that face right now. I reacted instantly and I shoved him away which was a wrong move because he lost his balance and fall on his ass. "Sorry," I muttered, he groaned.

I helped him limp back inside the school and placed him in one corner before looking him straight in the eyes.

"Don't tell anyone my brother did this to you or else you'll be dead, understood." he just stared back, seemingly lost in my gaze and I sighed, standing up.

"Where're you going?" He said lowly, coughing out but I didn't reply and walked away towards the office to grab some first aid kit.

I limped towards the main office and the school assistant looked at me concerned.

"Caley! What happened?!" she asked worriedly and I offered her a smile.

"Hi mrs. Weaver, I just need a bag of ice for my ankle and I'll be on my way, my mom is just waiting outside," I told her and she rushed to the back of the office to get some ice. I walked behind her desk and grabbed a couple of bandage before she can come back for Ben's face.

"Here you go sweetie, what happened?" she asked, handing a huge bag of ice and I forced a smile.

"Just tripped over when I was going outside, but I'm fine," I said and she believed me, nodding. "Bye Mrs. Weaver," I told her, limping falsely outside the office before I broke into a sprint back to where I left Benjamin. I could actually be an actress. Good job Cayley!

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