2| Talk dirty to me

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"Caley got a bouquet of flowers?!" Denise walked in my room and found the bouquet of roses on top of my dresser.

"Yeah," I sighed, turning to look at her as she squealed, reading the card.

"Awe! he can't stop thinking about you! that's so sweet, I hope Brando ever did this to me," she plopped down on my bed and grinned at me.

Aunty Denise, or Denise, just how I call her, is a very lively person. I mean she's always happy and bubbly but when she's in a bad mood, she's in a bad mood. She's more of a sister to me than an aunt cause she's only five years older and she can relate to me very well.

"What happened to you guys?" I asked curiously cause they're not together and they ain't talking to each other anymore.

"Fucking life happened," she said bitterly and I pressed my mouth in a thin line. Wow, that explains a lot. "Any who, who's the guy?" she switched the subjects and I turned to my computer to continue my homework. "You're hiding something, who is it Cale?" she spun my chair around and looked at me closely.

"I don't know," I said honestly. Her brows creased and she looked like she didn't believe me.

"What do you mean you don't know? of course you do, you just don't wanna tell me!" she said and I shook my head.

"No, I seriously don't know who my secret admirer is," I tossed her my phone and her brows rose up, letting her read the text messages. She laughed and said awe in some of the text but then her eyes went bloodshot and looked up at me. Yep, I had the same reaction.

"Oh shit, 'fuck you hard' really? he's been lurking Cale," she said, her eyes widening as she continued to scroll down my messages.

"Yep, it's creepy and I'm acting like a detective, trying to figure out who he is," I said the moment Cole walked in my room.

"Figure out who?" He asked, sitting beside Denise. He snatched my phone and my eyes grew wide, jumping on him so he wouldn't be able to read the texts. Fuck! "who's this Cale?" He reached high and pushed my face away that made me slap his arm off. "Who the fuck is texting you like this?! is he the guy I asked you about yesterday?" Cole asked me and I bit the corner of my lip, nodding slightly.

"It's not a big deal," I told him, taking my phone back.

"The hell it is! I will kill him once he reveal who he is for talking to you that way, no one disrespects my sister," Cole said and I rolled my eyes. Here comes the over protecting brother. "And why're you even replying back? you don't know if he's a creep or a pedophile." he told me but I have a feeling unknown # is neither and just a fucking manwhore who goes to my school.

"I got this under control Cole, I'll figure him out soon," I said. Denise just looked at us back and forth, cause she always do that when me and Cole argued. She said it's weird that twins even argue.

"Okay! who wants to talk about cute guys, yeah?" Denise interrupted and we shifted our gaze to her.

"I'm out." Cole said but before he could leave, he had to say something else. "If I find out who the guy is, I will fucking kill him so tell him to not show his face to me," I swallowed. He did that to Ben in eight grade and it was the scariest shit ever when Coles in raged.

"Your brother is psycho," Denise whispered and I burst out laughing. You tell me. My phone buzzed and I got another message. Denise grabbed it before I can and read it off. Now I regret her knowing my pass code. "Oooh, he asked what your ideal guy is," Denise told me then she just started typing without my consent. What the hell!

"Denise!" I scolded, my eyes widening. Who knows what she's typing down?! She's Denise anyways.

"Hot face and body, smart, a bit of a bad boy, sweet, taller than me," she glanced at me for a second, looking at my height before nodding, I crossed my arms in front of my chest and leaned my weight on my left leg. "Not too controlling except in bed, lets add a winky face in that, and a great kisser and he should be able to give you an amazing time in bed." She mumbled the last part with a wide grin on her face and I swear my eyes were pulled out of its socket.

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