16| Suspicion

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I actually had a great weekend and Ben stayed in my house without getting caught. Cole came back from his ski trip last night and was knocked out as soon as he got home, giving Ben a chance to sneak out.

"I've been hearing that Ben likes you," my brother blurted out and my ears rang at what he said. The way he said his name was filled with hate and I just don't wanna talk about it with him, I'll feel guilty.

"You have?" I said dumbly, gazing at him while he drove towards the school.

"Yeah, and I've been told that you guys are friends," he said, glaring at my direction and I took in a deep breath.

"What else have they told you?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Things that you never told me," he said plainly, looking straight through the windshield, I swallowed. My heart pumping faster than usual. Does he know about everything? "You know how I hate when I'm being lied to Caley," he told me and I blinked straight ahead. I've seen this coming. "And you also know how much I hate Benjamin. Why're you friends with him?" His grip on the steering wheel tightened and I sat on my sit silently, looking down my fingers.

"I don't get why you still hate him, it was eight grade and I doubt you really liked Hillary that much-" I was cut off.

"It's not about fucking Hillary! I just don't like the dude for other reasons and I don't want you to get hurt!" he said out loud and I shrunk back in my sit, terrified when Cole gets heated up, he sighed. "Benjamin has always taken everything from me," he sighed, stopping on a red light.

"What do you mean?" I asked lowly, scared he'll lash out again.

"He's always been the best, I'm always second from him. In tenth grade, he was supposed to be the football captain and I wanted the position so bad, so I got pissed that he was first choice by the coaches when I work so damn hard to be picked." He told me and I moved my gaze at him. He never told me that he was the reason Ben had a cast on his leg the whole tenth grade cause it was all his fault, that's so mean of Cole! "I tripped him that caused him to break his ankle so I would be team captain. They called it an accident and no one really saw it, he was forced to withdraw out of the team," he retell the story and my brows rose up. Doesn't he feel bad?! "Ben knew I tripped him but didn't say anything and let me get away with it," he said grimly.

"Then why the hell do you still hate him?!" I lashed out because what he did wasn't right just to gain power. And it's my boyfriend we're talking about here.

"I can never forgive what he did in eight grade Caley," he honestly said and here I thought it wasn't about Hillary. It's all about Hillary.

"Fuck Cole! It was middle school! Get over the shit cause everyone moved on!" I spat out irritated, not caring if he gets mad or not. I'm fucking pissed. He's been hiding a lot from me that I deserved to know, it's not fair. So he's envious of Ben, that's all this is about.

"Hillary was my first! He took her away from me!" Cole said out loudly back and I looked at him incredulously. "We've known her since we were kids, she was mine first but then he just got in the way and had to ruin everything." He said through gritted teeth, his eyes turning red as I looked at him in shock.

"What do you mean she was your first?" I quirk a brow but I think I know what he's talking about. His jaw clenched tightly, shutting his eyes for a while after parking his car in the his usual parking space.

"I lost my virginity to Hillary, she was my first girlfriend, first kiss, first everything," he told me and all along, I thought my brother was still virgin. It send a slice of agony through me and it felt like I wasn't trusted and was betrayed, which hurts a lot. My own twin brother doesn't trust me to tell me these kind of things.

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