24| Overdoze

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I got ahold of mom and dad and that said they'll meet me as soon as possible. I don't know when that's gonna be cause they're not here yet. Danny and Beatrice are asleep on the couch of the waiting room and so is Ben, lying his head on my shoulder. I couldn't sleep. It's been 4 hours and there has been nothing said about Cole.

My eyelids were beginning to feel heavy and I was dosing off to sleep when a middle aged doctor was making her way towards me. I opened my eyes fully and waited in anticipation.

"Are you Cole's sister?" She asked and I nodded. "Well bad news is he overdosed on different kinds of drugs but more on sleeping pills and we had to pump it out of his stomach," what kind of idiot is he?? Holy shit man I'll slap the shit outta him when he wakes up. "Good news is he's alive, he has an IV connected to him cause he needs support, he's energy is very low at the moment so he might need to stay here for about a week or two," She told me. I took in a deep breath and massaged my forehead as this situation is causing me stress, my eyes close to tearing up. I'm just in an emotional rollercoaster right now, I think it's the PMS kicking it or what not. Ugh I hate being an emotional wreck.

"Can I see him?" I asked. Ben awaken and sat up before the doctor responded a simple nod, complying to a yes. I looked at him for assurance and he gave me a nod so he can watch over Danny and Beatrice, in any case my parents come.

I don't know what to say to Cole if he's even awake. I literally wanna kill him like what kind of stupidity got into his head like what the actual fuck. I pushed the door of his private room and indeed saw an IV connected to his arm. Now I just wanna burst into tears seeing the state he is in. How can he do this to himself?

I took a sit beside his bedridden self and a tear fell on my left eye. I can actually feel the pain internally and I feel my gut wrenching seeing him like this. I'm having mixed emotions about Cole, either I wanna kill him or hug him tight cause I just want him to feel better, take away his pain. He's always been my other half, we shared the womb together and I don't know what will happen if something did happen to him out of his fucked up head. Just cause he hates Ben, he's gonna off himself. I stare at the moment at his calm and relaxed face as my brows furrowed. I shouldn't feel bad, he did this to himself. If it weren't for Danny he would've died in his room cause I would've not notice. He probably thought I was picking Ben over him, but he's too uptight about his hatred towards the guy. If it was the case of picking between Cole and Ben, I'm honestly torn because Ben is a part of me now, He's always there when I needed him but then he's not blood. I know for a fact Cole would be there for me no matter what. Will jump in for me if a car was about to crash into my weak self. Would take my position if it was risking my life. I know, or I should say I think, Ben would do the same but Cole has been guaranteed and tested from time we came out of our mother's womb. But I know I'm not going to be able to rely on him forever. 

"Cole, if you're listening to me, you're a fucking idiot. I'd love to kill you right now, but I'll miss you so much and I don't know why you would do this to yourself. You know I feel your pain so if you did this for my sake, fuck you." Mixed emotions coursed through me and I don't like this feeling. He stayed still, his chest rising up and down softly as he breathes, deeply asleep. I fist my hands and let the anger bubble up in me. Yup it's the PMS. I wanted to choke him to death so he would stop making stupid decisions. 

Before I could do anything crazy the door burst open and in came mom and dad who had an exasperated look on their face. I've never seen dad like this, shock and agony mask his face as he stood by Cole's bed. My mom went to Cole immediately and bawled her eyes out. I wish I could do the same. 

"Cole!" She sobbed, hugging him tightly in her grip that I think he might die. My mom works out so she's stronger than she looks. I stare at them for a moment and gritted my teeth. I shouldn't feel guilt, this wasn't my fault. It was all him and his stupidity towards his outlook on life and especially his enemies. 

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