10| Family Bonding

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I sat alone by the field to study for my bio test. Veronica is with Jared, her boy toy and I'm with my books that'll get me some A++ in my test.

"Caley! Catch!" I snapped my attention to the owner of the voice and that's when a football came flying towards me. I caught it before my face, realizing it's those squishy ones for beginners.

Benjamin rushed up the bleachers, followed by his friends as I smiled at him.

"Pass the ball Caley," I tossed his friends the ball and they ran down the field to play.

"Hey," he greeted out and I nod over to him. It's been a week or two since the party and lost my vCard, we never talked about it again and no one knows about it either except for us.

"Hey," I said, highlighting some things in my study sheet. Benjamin hasn't been pulling away as I thought he would, were actually friends on the low because of Cole and our tutor sessions turn to make out sessions which was bad, but he still get a good mark on the test so I think it helps him study too. "are you ready?" I asked, referring to the test and he quirk a brow. I waved him the sheet I was holding and his eyes widen shaking his head.

"You didn't tell me we had a test," he told me, sounding the least worried.

"Yeah I did! I kept telling you but you couldn't contain your tongue from my mouth," I said and he chuckled, flipping through my notes.

"Ah right, well it was fun at least," he sighed. "Hey my parents and Beatrice would be gone for the weekend, you wanna come over?" he slyly offered and I quirk a brow.

"Come over school related or not school related?" I asked and he rolled his eyes like it wasn't that obvious which I found funny.

"Not school related," he told me and I chewed on my lower lip.

"I'll think about it," I said and he grinned widely, winking at me. As I got to know him better, I'm getting drawn closer to him too. I hate to say it but I'm falling for his charms.

"Caley." He said my name and I looked up. Ben was looking at something from behind me when I quirk a brow. "Don't freak out but there's a bee above you," he told me and I instantly shoved everything away from me and waved my hand above my head, letting out a scream cause I'm allergic to bees.

"Is it gone?" I tried to calm down and he shook his head. I jumped onto his lap and buried my face on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "Get it away from me! I'm allergic to bees!" I said a bit muffled, staying still on his lap as he held me tightly.

"It's gone now babe," he whispered beside my ear, his breath tickling my skin, I didn't pull away as I'm quite comfortable with my current position. His hand skimmed my thighs and I smiled, finally pulling away as I grin at him.

"Thanks, I could've had an allergic reaction," I told him and he smiled, his eyes glancing down my lips.

"No problem pretty face," he slowly leaned down and was about to kiss me when the bell rang, announcing end of lunch. I stood up from his lap and gathered my books while he groaned. I smirked at him and walked down the bleachers as he called after me. "Wait up Caley!" he said but I don't turn around. Let the guy chase after you Cale.

"Fuck! what's he doing here?" Denise grumbled beside me as we peered down the balcony of the second room to the backyard to where Cole, Brando and Danny were playing by the pool.

"Uhm dad invited him over to work on the car they're experimenting," I told her and she muttered a cuss.

"Whatever happened between you two?" I asked curiously since I'm so confused to what's happening with Denise's life.

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