22| Denis oh Denise

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Republished chapter**

So far I'm still suspended but not grounded any longer. My mom felt bad for me and only me so she said I can do what I want, although Cole's ass is still grounded.

Ben got caught and now he can't go anywhere cause he's locked up in his room since he's grounded and I have nothing else to do so I decided to go to my favourite Aunty's condo. Denise's.

I rang the doorbell a couple times before a miserable Denise opened the door. She hasn't been around my house lately and I got concerned to her well being. Good thing I decided to come over cause it looks like she needs a dosage of Caley in her life.

"Hey Cale," she said in monotone an my brows quirk. I walked inside her condo and shit the door behind me.

A tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream was on the coffee table as she watched the rerun of the notebook, my most hated chick flick.

"You look like shit Denise," I said, sitting beside her and she glared at my direction that caused me to purse my lips.

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious," she grumbled. Denise doesn't look like her regular happy self. Her hair was messed up, she had bags under her eyes and she look paler than her normal sun kissed skin tone.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked and her lips quivered out of the blue as her eyes got teary, shaking her head. "What do you mean no?" I asked and she sobbed out loud. I have no idea what the hell is happening.

"I- I love Brando but I can't love him anymore! It hurts Caley, whenever I look at him- it's not the same," she cried out and my brows rose up, pulling her closer as I gave her a warm hug.

"If you just explain to me what happened then I might understand Denise," I rubbed her back soothingly as she cried on my shirt which was new by the way.

"He came by the other day here in my place and all I did was shout at him. I really feel bad and my mind is saying to hate him but my heart is saying that I love him more than anything! it's been seventeen years Caley, it's hard to just forget all the memories, I can never forget the times we've been together!" she blabbered on and I sighed, caressing her hair.

"And now I want to forgive him and just give him another shot but I'm scared he'll do it again," she sobbed, pulling away and brushing her tears stained cheek.

"Do what again?" I asked curiously. She huffed out a breath and looked down.

"Brando got drunk, like really drunk one night a while ago and we were fighting like a normal couple would cause he was wasted and he got me mad, then he slept with a slut." She sneered the last part with venom and my face soften. "I mean I didn't think he would sleep with some hoe just cause we're fighting," she bawled and I grabbed her hand as a new wave of tears came crashing down.

"I don't know if that seventeen years was nothing to him cause it means everything to me. He's been my first to everything out there. First kiss, first boyfriend, first fuck, first everything you can think of! I just don't know what to do," she cried harder and my heart was pumping harder for Denise cause I really feel bad now that I know the full story. I get where she's coming from.

"Didn't he apologize?" I asked and she nodded. I've never seen my Aunty so broken before, I usually come to her and tell her my problems but never did she come to me. She looks so strong on the outside but she's breaking down on the inside.

"He said it was an accident but I know for a fact that it wasn't an accident, he just wanted to get me back and he fucking enjoyed it so it wasn't a fucking accident!" she hissed and I pursed my lips.

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