🐾12. Our First Trip🐾

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"Hey, it's very late. Why haven't you showered yet?"

Paint, who has get up in the middle of the night, see me sit in the main hall, lost in thought. She lean over the back of the sofa and asked, curious, because I'm usually the cleanest and most hygienic person in this house due to my profession. However, today I was still wearing the same clothes, even though it was already 11pm.

"How many days?"

"How many days for what?"

"How many days without shower until I starts to stink?" 

"What the hell?"

Then my housemate step over the back of the couch and sat down next to me. I lifted my hand awkwardly and stroked it shyly.

"Or is there a way to take a shower without getting your hands wet?"

"What's wrong with you? You look so weird, giving me the creeps. What happened to your hand?"

Paint tried to grab my hand, but I quickly pulled it away and hugged it tightly, as if I was afraid it would be stolen.

"What are you going to do with my hand?"

"I mean, what could I do with your hand? What's going on? That seductive look doesn't suit you."

"Why are you shouting?"

The commotion wake up another friend, who come out of her room. Mei, looking half asleep, come out while scratching her butt.

"What's going on? You were so loud that you woke me up." 

"May refuses to shower."

"Ew, that's gross... but only slightly less gross than me. I haven't brushed my teeth since this morning."


We both made disgusted faces at the same time. Since Mei is a freelance product designer, she often gets stuck at her desk. Some days she forgets to eat, and some days she forgets to sleep. So forgetting to shower or brush her teeth wasn't exactly surprising.

"But a woman as clean as May doesn't take a shower? How is that possible?"

"Exactly, it's weird. She's acting so strange, being all protective of herself, especially of her hands."

My pretty friend leaned over and looked at me suspiciously. "What did you do with your hand?"


"And you're screaming too!"

"If you won't answer my question, then I'm going to bed."

Mei, seeing that I am about to escape into my imagination to guess what's going on, run and jump in front of me, blocking my way with a smile on her face.

"You're so protective with your hands, it must mean that you've did something good. Let me guess... did you touch someone?"

"You're crazy!"

"Ah! Your ears are turning red! You touched someone, didn't you?"

Mei starts jumping around excitedly and pointed at my ears for other friend to see. Now I am being teases so much that I don't know how to react apart from staying calm. The more embarrass I acted, the more they teases me and provokes.

"I didn't touch anyone or anything!That's silly. I'm going to bed." 

"Then you must have grabbed someone's chest."

"Keep it up and I'll scream!"

I run to my room, but I could still hear they're teasing giggles behind me. By now, they had both concluded that I must have grabbed someone's breast instead of just touching something else.

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