🐾28. Surprise🐾

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Our relationship seems to be on a tightrope. The moment we lose our balance, it means we will fall and never be able to climb back up. The word 'fall' here means destroying the feelings of those around us, especially those we call family. What I fear most is that my father and mother will find out about this, and I don't think it will be long.

If Mike B already knows... soon everyone else will too. That doesn't even include the secret about our family, like View B, who was adopted. This morning, I sit tensely while having breakfast with everyone. Now, what I fear most is Mike B's behavior. I don't know what my little brother is thinking, and I have to admit that I fear every move he makes, even if it's just a blink.

"P'May, the table is shaking."

View B reached out and placed her hand on my knee, warning me to stop my leg from shaking. My fear and anxiety were so clear in my body language that even my father, who usually doesn't talk to me much because of his indifference, had to look at me with interest.

"Is there something wrong? You look stressed."

"Of course you are stressed. You just broke up with your boyfriend last night. Who wouldn't be?"

Mom said, misunderstanding the situation. Meanwhile, Mike B continued eating silently, although there was a slight hesitation as someone who knew the whole truth, which was not at all what Mom thought.


I said in a calm voice, stopped bouncing my leg, straightened my posture and continued eating.

"So, what's the real story? Did View really steal May's boyfriend?"

Dad asked View B as someone who didn't know many details, probably because Mom had only given a brief version so it wouldn't seem like a big deal. The little girl sitting next to me nodded with a casual smile, seemingly unconcerned.

"That's true, but I couldn't. I was caught before I could."

 "And you’re acting so calm about it?”

Dad put down his iPad, which he's reading the news on, and spoke more sternly.

“How do you think May feels?"

"We’ve already cleared things up. P’May doesn’t feel anything about it."

"Oh, come on! What’s the point of saying all this now? The whole thing ended last night."

"A big problem like this can’t just be ignored. I need to know. Is it okay for sisters to compete over a guy and sit at the dinner table like nothing happened?"

"Huh? But if she doesn’t feel anything, what’s the point of continuing to ask? Do you want the sisters to fight so that you’ll be satisfied?"

"On the contrary, not only are they not fighting, it seems to be the opposite.”

Mike said calmly without looking at anyone. Today was the day I felt the most paranoid, especially with my younger brother suddenly speaking. My heart was beating irregularly, and intense anxiety made sweat start to form on my back.

"We love each other.”

View B continued after Mike B, speaking nonchalantly before taking a sip of his drink. The two siblings stared at each other as if they were talking with their eyes. I couldn’t help but sit there in silence.

"Is this how you show love? By stealing your sister’s boyfriend?"

 "It didn’t work, did it? Dad, you’re overreacting.”

View B pouted.

"Besides, I never really liked that Lee guy from the start. I was just creating a little drama, testing him a little to see if he would be swayed by his sister- in-law. And even before marriage, he’s already leaning towards me. Do you think P’May deserves to be with a guy like that? "

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