Chapter 90- We're Home

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"Bridget? Why won't you answer me?" I questioned in a panic fearing that my dream was a reality.

"Sir, you are going to have to calm down or we will be forced to contact TSA," a flight attendant informed me.

"I just need Bridget," I told her in the calmest voice I could muster.

"I'm sorry, sir. I don't know who you are talking about," the flight attendant said as Bridget appeared into my view as I started to lose my breath, but the flight attendant tried escorting her to the back of the plane, "I'm sorry, ma'am. You can't be up here."

"I hold a first class seat," Bridget said as she quickly swooped in next to me, ignoring the flight attendant, "I'm here. I'm here, Luke. What's wrong?"

"I had this dream. It felt so real. I thought it was real. I woke up and you were gone. I thought you left. I thought the dream was real," I told my wife as I struggled to breathe.

"Luke, I'm right here. Just breathe. I'm not going anywhere," Bridget assured me as she finally took her seat next to me.

"Ma'am, I'm going to have to see your ticket if you are going to be up here," the flight attendant said to my wife.

"Call me, ma'am one more time," Bridget threatened, "Call me Bridget, or Mrs. Bryan, either one, but I'm not ma'am. There are four people up here. You could at least learn our names."

Bridget was still tired and biting people's heads off over little things that don't normally get to her, but she's always hated being called ma'am. Kids and strangers are about the only ones who could get away with that. Then again normally Bridget wouldn't be so hateful towards someone either, but she was always a protector too. It didn't matter if it was her kids or just someone she loved or cared about. This situation was no different. Bridget was always there when someone needed her, even if it meant her flying across the country in the middle of the night with all of the kids in tow.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I mean Mrs. Bryan," the flight attendant apologized before leaving us.

Bridget leaned in close to me grabbing my hand and laying her head on my shoulder. I wish the whole flight could have been this way. I don't even know how long we have been in the air. The last thing I remembered before I woke up was Bridget leaning towards the window and ignoring my existence.

"Where were you?" I asked as the pilot announced that we were starting to land.

"I was talking to Kerri. You had been snoring so bad that it woke me up and I just couldn't drown you out. I had to get away or suffocate you, one of the two. Since suffocating you really isn't an option I figured I would go see who was awake. Kent's a bigger bitch than I am when he's tired. Kevin's even goofier. Carter's a little more like Kevin. Dave and James slept. So, when I realized Kerri was awake I talked to her," Bridget informed me.

"Oh. What did you talk about?" I questioned my wife.

"Everything. The kids. You. The possibility of having another baby. The tour. Being in Europe. Our plans while in Europe," Bridget said before I cut her off.

"Possibility of having another baby? I thought we weren't telling anyone about that?" I asked my wife curiously.

"It just kind of slipped out, but Kerri needs to know that kind of stuff too. It will help her making decisions for you and your career," Bridget answered me as the plane made its final stop and the fasten seatbelt light went off.

"I guess you're right," I smiled as I got up and grabbed my bag slinging it over my back once more before exiting the plane.

Overall the entire trip to Europe was great after the mishap on the plane when we left Tennessee. My favorite part was the last day we spent in London roaming around like tourists. We got to see all the sights and enjoy a day together, just the two of us. No security detail, no fans swamping us when we would go into a restaurant, no one asking for autographs every time we turned around. Don't get me wrong, I love my fans. They are who made my life possible, but it was nice to be able to be a normal couple for the day. We saw all the palaces of the British Monarchy and we even tried to get the guards to smile or move or look at us just like every other tourist. But all good things must come to an end. That evening we boarded our flight back across the pond.

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