Chapter 34- 54785 Kane Ranch Road

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Vacation was over. It was time to go back to the real world, time to see what the world was saying about our little peanut. Our flight was good, much better than last one actually. We landed in Nashville to a slew of paparazzi waiting for our arrival, but we were prepared for them. Kerri had called a yesterday and told us that they had been hovering since the news broke of Bridget’s pregnancy. We had a car waiting, thanks to Kerri. We managed to make it to the car with responding to everyone’s questions with just saying ‘No comment at this time.’

“I’m not going to be able to leave the house,” Bridget said in tears as we closed the car door.

“You will. Things are just going to have to be a little different,” I told her.

“You’re going to leave tomorrow and I’ll be stuck in the house,” Bridget said doubting me.

“Go with me. We’ll take the kids and Tia. We’ll have a good time and we’ll be able to spend time together,” I suggested.

“We can’t just pack up and go whenever. We have things going on here,” Bridget cried.

“It’s summer. Why can’t you just pack up and go? What’s so important?” I questioned her.

“Well, nothing I guess, but I just don’t know how the kids will handle it,” Bridget voiced.

“The kids have all done it before. This isn’t anything new to them. Bridget, you know this. Why are you trying to avoid going?” I asked.

“I’m not,” Bridget tried to convince me.

“I know better. You know better,” I told her.

“I guess we can go then,” Bridget said.

The rest of the ride was quiet. We got to the house and the kids were running out the door when we started getting out of the car.

“Momma!” Kenzie yelled as she ran.

“Momma! Daddy!” Bo screamed waving his arms.

Tate just came out waving his arms in excitement and ran directly into Bridget’s arms.

“Careful Tate!” I scolded with concern of our unborn child.

Tate frowned at my words, but smiled as Bridget kissed his cheek.

“There are tons of messages for ya‘ll and a package came for Bridget yesterday,” Tia told us as we walked into the house.

“I’m not expecting any packages,” Bridget voiced, “I wonder what it is.”

We got the kids settled in and sat down at the kitchen table with Tia so she could fill us in on the week she had with the kids. Momma had been up for a few days and came to visit with the kids. Tia said that they took the kids to the zoo and to the waterpark. Overall, I believe the kids had a good week in our absence.

“Oh, here’s that package,” Tia said as she flipped through the mail and handed Bridget a manila envelope similar to the ones that contained Caroline’s letters.

Bridget opened it and started reading the typed letter that accompanied the white jewelry box. Within seconds Bridget started to hyperventilate. She was having a panic attack.

“Bridget! What’s wrong?” I questioned as she sat the letter down on the table and proceeded to lean down with her head between her knees trying to catch her breath.

“It’s him,” Bridget gasped.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

She was unable to speak as she continued to gasp for air.

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