CH 61: The Return from Beyond the Veil

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Harry was deep in thought as he wandered through the halls of the Department of Dangerous Research in the Ministry Complex. The building was always filled with an eerie energy, a testament to the volatile and forbidden magic that was often studied there. Today, however, something felt particularly unsettling. The usual hum of the place seemed off, as though the air itself was waiting for something to happen.

As Harry walked through the corridor, he noticed a group of researchers gathered around a large, shimmering object. It was the Veil—the ancient, enigmatic portal that had claimed his godfather, Sirius Black, back in their old world. A cold shiver ran down Harry's spine as he stopped to observe from a distance. He couldn't believe it when he first heard that the department had smuggled the Veil out of the Ministry of Magic during their exodus from Earth. And now, here it stood, in Staros, as mysterious as ever.

The researchers were cautiously running experiments on the Veil, trying to understand its nature and the dark magic surrounding it. Harry stood there for a moment, contemplating the weight of what that artifact meant to him. Just then, something strange happened—the Veil began to tremble. The shimmering fabric, which normally moved with the flow of some unseen current, was violently shaking, as though disturbed by something from within.

Harry's heart pounded in his chest as the Veil's movement grew more frantic. The researchers around it stepped back, clearly unsure of what to do. Suddenly, with a loud, otherworldly wail, the Veil rippled and spat something—no, someone—out from its depths. A figure collapsed onto the cold stone floor with a heavy thud. Silence fell over the room, thick with disbelief.

The figure groaned, slowly stirring as they lay on the ground. Harry's breath caught in his throat, his mind unable to fully grasp what he was seeing. He took a few steps closer, and when the figure rolled onto their back, revealing a familiar face, Harry's world stopped.

It was Sirius Black.

The room was frozen in shock. The researchers exchanged bewildered glances, completely flabbergasted. Harry, for a moment, couldn't move. It was impossible. Sirius had fallen into the Veil all those years ago—into what they had all thought was death. And yet here he was, lying before Harry, very much alive.

"Sirius?" Harry whispered, his voice barely audible.

Sirius didn't respond. He was unconscious, his chest rising and falling steadily. Harry shook himself from his stunned stupor and immediately took control of the situation. "Get him to the Aurora Sanctum Hospital, now!" he barked at the researchers, his voice firm and commanding.

Two healers who had been observing the experiments rushed forward, carefully lifting Sirius onto a stretcher. Harry followed closely behind them as they hurried out of the room, his mind racing. How could this be happening? The Veil was supposed to be a doorway to death, a point of no return. And yet, somehow, Sirius had come back.

They moved quickly through the streets of Arcane Crossroads, the towering spires of the city gleaming in the midday sun. Word of what had happened spread fast, and as they reached Aurora Sanctum, a group of concerned onlookers had already begun to gather outside the hospital. Harry stayed close as they took Sirius inside, his worry growing with each passing moment.

Inside, the healers at Aurora Sanctum were quick to respond. They transferred Sirius to a private room, setting up monitoring spells and beginning their examinations immediately. The Phoenix Wing, known for its regenerative treatments, was the perfect place for him to recover. Yet despite all their efforts, Sirius remained unconscious, as though his body was here but his mind had not yet returned.

Harry stayed by his bedside for hours, unable to leave. Memories of Sirius—his laughter, his fierce loyalty, and the bond they shared—flooded Harry's mind. He had mourned the loss of his godfather for so long, and now, against all odds, he had a second chance. But what kind of shape would Sirius be in when he woke up? Would he even remember Harry? Would he still be...himself?

The healers had no answers. The Veil was an enigma, and no one knew the full extent of its power. All they could do was wait.

Days passed, and still, Sirius didn't wake. Harry visited him every day, hoping to see some sign of life, some flicker of recognition. He had never felt so helpless. Despite everything he had built in Staros, despite all the magic and knowledge he had gained, he couldn't will Sirius back to consciousness.

One afternoon, as Harry sat by Sirius's bedside, lost in thought, he noticed something different. Sirius's fingers twitched. It was a small movement, but enough to send a wave of hope crashing over Harry. He leaned forward, gripping the edge of his chair, his eyes fixed on his godfather.

"Sirius?" he called softly.

Sirius groaned, his face scrunching up as though he were waking from a long, deep sleep. Slowly, painfully, his eyes fluttered open. His gaze was unfocused at first, but as his vision cleared, his eyes landed on Harry.

"Harry?" Sirius croaked, his voice hoarse and weak.

Harry felt a lump in his throat, and he struggled to find his voice. "Yeah... yeah, it's me, Sirius. You're back."

Sirius blinked, confusion clouding his features. "Back? From where?"

Harry shook his head, his emotions overwhelming him. "From the Veil, Sirius. We thought... I thought I'd lost you."

Sirius's brows furrowed as he tried to remember. "The Veil..." he muttered, his eyes darkening as fragments of memory began to return. He looked up at Harry, and despite the confusion and exhaustion in his face, there was something familiar in his expression—a spark of the Sirius Harry knew.

"I'm here, Harry," Sirius said, his voice stronger now. "I'm here."

Harry couldn't hold back the tears any longer. He leaned forward, gripping Sirius's hand tightly, as the reality of it all finally hit him.

Sirius was alive.

And Harry wasn't going to lose him again.

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