CH 5: Preparation and Allies

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The next day, Harry awoke with a clear plan in mind. Today would be a day of preparation—gathering supplies, tools, and anything he might need for the monumental task ahead. If he was going to lead an exodus to Astaria, everything needed to be perfectly organized.

After a quick breakfast, Harry Apparated straight to Diagon Alley, arriving outside the largest trunk store. He pushed open the door, the soft chime of a bell ringing out as he stepped inside. The shopkeeper, a wiry man with a pair of thick glasses perched on the edge of his nose, looked up, surprised to see a customer so early.

"I need three thousand trunks," Harry said without preamble.

The shopkeeper blinked in shock, nearly dropping the pile of paperwork he was sorting through. "Three... three thousand?"

Harry nodded. "The kind that can shrink and expand at will. Deep trunks, the kind with enough space to store entire buildings if needed."

The shopkeeper's shock slowly turned into understanding as he realized this wasn't a joke. "It will take a few minutes to prepare that many," he said, his voice steadier now. "Are you sure you need that much storage?"

"Yes," Harry said firmly. "I'm going to need them."

The shopkeeper nodded and hurried off to arrange the order. True to his word, within the hour, Harry had three thousand trunks lined up in neat rows, each able to shrink down to the size of a pebble and expand into cavernous spaces large enough to store entire buildings. He watched as the trunks shrunk, each one disappearing into a small pile that Harry slipped into his pocket.

With the trunks in hand, Harry Apparated to an abandoned quarry he had found earlier. The quarry was vast, with enormous blocks of stone scattered across the landscape. He pulled one of the trunks from his pocket, expanded it to its full size, and began filling it with the stone, carefully tagging the trunk afterward with a spell that labeled its contents: Stone.

The process took hours, but by the end of it, Harry had filled multiple trunks with stone and other raw materials he had found scattered around the quarry. The sense of progress filled him with a quiet satisfaction. This was just the beginning.

Next, he went to several bulk stores, visiting magical and non-magical suppliers alike. Harry purchased everything from food to tools, enchanted materials to mundane necessities, anything that might be needed for survival on a new planet. Each item he placed into a trunk, tagging them as he went: Food Supplies, Building Materials, Tools, Herbs and Potions Ingredients, and so on. Every step was meticulous, every trunk tagged and organized, ready for the journey ahead.

By mid-afternoon, his pocket was filled with hundreds of shrunken trunks, each containing enough supplies to start a new life on Astaria.

As Harry finished his rounds, he was interrupted by a sudden flutter of wings. A letter dropped from an owl, landing neatly in his hand. It was from the goblins.

Curious, Harry quickly read the letter. The goblins wanted to speak with him urgently. Without wasting any time, Harry Apparated to Gringotts.

Inside the grand marble hall, he was led to a private room where several goblins waited for him. One of them, the same goblin he had met earlier when verifying his bloodline, looked up as Harry entered.

"There's no saving this land, is there?" the goblin asked, his voice heavy with the weight of the question.

Harry paused, glancing around the room at the grim faces of the goblins before shaking his head. "No," he admitted. "The magic is too far gone. Earth is dying, and I don't believe there's anything we can do to stop it."

The goblins nodded, their expressions hardening as they absorbed the news. But before the conversation could end, an idea sparked in Harry's mind—something that could change everything.

"Wait," he said suddenly, "I've found something. A way out. There's another galaxy, a place called Astrunora. It has a planet, Astaria, that's untouched by the kind of damage we've caused here. Magic thrives there. I'm planning to relocate the magical community, and I was wondering..." He hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "Would the goblins like to help? There will be opportunities to rebuild, to create something new."

The goblins exchanged looks, their eyes narrowing as they considered the offer. The goblin who had spoken earlier raised an eyebrow. "You're proposing that we leave Earth... to start again on this new planet?"

Harry nodded. "Yes. The goblins have always been integral to our world. You're craftsmen, bankers, creators of powerful magic. You'd have a chance to build something even greater on Astaria. A new world where we can all thrive."

There was a long, heavy silence as the goblins deliberated. Finally, the door to the chamber opened, and a figure entered—the Lord of the Goblins himself, a tall, ancient figure with a crown of silver and a robe of shimmering dark fabric.

The room fell quiet as the Lord of the Goblins regarded Harry with a piercing gaze. He approached slowly, his presence commanding respect.

"You speak of a new world, Potter," the Goblin Lord said, his voice deep and gravelly. "A place where magic will thrive once more. Tell me... why should we trust you with such a venture?"

Harry met the Goblin Lord's eyes without flinching. "Because I'm not asking you to trust me," Harry replied calmly. "I'm asking you to help save the future of magic. This isn't just for wizards. It's for everyone—goblins, magical creatures, anyone willing to make the journey and start again. I can't do it alone, and neither can any of us."

The Goblin Lord studied him for a long moment, the weight of centuries in his eyes. Then, slowly, he nodded.

"We will help," the Goblin Lord said, his voice solemn. "But this will be no simple task. The creation of such portals, the transfer of so many lives... It will require more than just magic. It will require strength, resources, and trust."

Harry let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "I understand. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes."

The Goblin Lord extended a hand, and Harry grasped it firmly. The alliance was sealed.

With the goblins' help, the plan to reach Astaria would no longer be just a dream. It was now a reality.

The Goblin Lord smiled faintly. "Prepare yourself, Potter. The work has only just begun."

As Harry left Gringotts, his heart pounded with a mixture of excitement and fear. The journey ahead was daunting, but now, with the goblins on his side, he felt more confident than ever. Earth's time might be coming to an end, but somewhere out there, among the stars, a new home was waiting.

And Harry Potter would lead the magical world to it.

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