CH 9: The Final Preparations

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The days following the meeting with the leaders passed quickly. Harry felt the urgency of the task at hand, but this time it was filled with hope. He had the support of the magical world's leaders, and they were preparing for the greatest journey of their lives. Now, it was time for Harry to focus on the finer details. Beyond the magical supplies, they needed practical knowledge and tools for survival on Astaria.

His first task: gathering writing materials and books—both magical and Muggle.

Harry began his day in the Muggle world, walking through the busy streets of London. Dressed in ordinary clothes to blend in, he headed to several shops with one goal in mind: to gather as much practical knowledge as possible. The magical community would need far more than spells and potions to thrive on Astaria. They would need Muggle knowledge too—basic survival techniques, gardening, and even skills for daily life that most wizards took for granted.

Inside a large bookstore, Harry spent hours perusing the aisles. He pulled books on a wide range of topics: survival guides, plant identification manuals, and cooking books dedicated to making meals with simple, foraged ingredients. He knew that Astaria's resources, while abundant, would require them to adapt to a new environment, and these books would help them navigate the challenges ahead.

One section of the bookstore particularly caught Harry's eye—the For Dummies series. He recognized the black-and-yellow covers immediately. These books were famous for breaking down complex topics into simple, easy-to-understand guides. Harry quickly grabbed "Gardening for Dummies," "Survival for Dummies," "Building and Construction for Dummies," and "Cooking for Dummies," knowing they would be invaluable to those unfamiliar with these skills. He added several more titles to the pile, covering topics ranging from technology and business to personal development and first aid.

By the time Harry finished, his basket was overflowing with knowledge. He checked out, loading the books into a magically expanded trunk. He also grabbed a variety of plant identification guides, knowing they'd need to study and understand Astaria's plant life if they were to survive and thrive there.

Before leaving the Muggle world, Harry made one last stop at a stationary store. He purchased boxes of notebooks, journals, pens, and pencils, ensuring everyone would have something to record their experiences and insights on Astaria. 

He visited several shops, filling his basket with stacks of notebooks and journals of all sizes—some simple and practical, others more decorative, with sturdy bindings and blank pages waiting to be filled. He grabbed boxes of pens, pencils, erasers, and reams of Muggle paper, knowing they would come in handy for those who preferred writing by hand. He also bought colored pens, markers, and other stationery supplies that might prove useful for cataloging and teaching on Astaria.

As he walked through the aisles, a sense of nostalgia washed over him. These were the kinds of supplies he might have used if he had grown up as an ordinary boy, attending Muggle school instead of Hogwarts. But this life, the one filled with magic and adventure, was the only one he'd ever known—and now he was making sure it had a future. He packed the supplies carefully into another trunk, tagging it Muggle Writing Supplies and Books before shrinking it down and placing it in his pocket.

His next stop was Diagon Alley, where he continued his quest for writing materials and magical knowledge. Stepping into Scribbulus Writing Instruments, Harry was greeted by the familiar smell of parchment and ink. The shop was filled with beautiful quills and enchanted scrolls, but Harry focused on practicality first. He purchased stacks of blank magical journals, spellbooks, and scrolls—perfect for recording magical knowledge, lessons, and discoveries on their new planet.

He also stocked up on a variety of ink bottles in different colors, choosing black for standard use but adding a few vibrant colors for categorizing or special writings. Harry selected self-inking quills, enchanted to last for years, and grabbed boxes of parchment that wouldn't deteriorate over time.

He moved through several shops in Diagon Alley, filling his trunks with more magical books and scrolls, including texts on ancient magic, healing, potions, and history. From Flourish and Blotts, he purchased pre-written books on everything from magical theory to herbology, ensuring that no matter what challenges Astaria presented, they would be prepared.

He moved from store to store in Diagon Alley, visiting Flourish and Blotts to purchase pre-written books on all subjects—potions, magical creatures, ancient magic, history, herbology, healing, charms, and more. He wanted to ensure that no matter where they were or what they encountered, they would have the knowledge they needed to thrive. He bought books that covered basic skills as well—survival techniques, agriculture, construction—anything that could be useful in rebuilding their world on Astaria.

Each item went into its own trunk, carefully labeled: Magical Journals, Magical Scrolls, Books of Magical Knowledge, and Muggle Survival and General Knowledge Books.

Finally, Harry returned to Grimmauld Place. He had one last task: packing up the house. The old Black family home held too much history, too many resources, to leave behind. He started with the library, where ancient magical tomes lined the shelves. These books were irreplaceable, and Harry knew they would be essential on Astaria. He carefully packed them into enchanted trunks, labeling them meticulously: Grimmauld Place Library.

Room by room, Harry packed everything of value—the heirlooms, enchanted objects, furniture, and personal items that held meaning. He took Kreacher's belongings as well, making sure that the house-elf's treasures were safely packed away.

By the time he finished, 12 Grimmauld Place had been reduced to several trunks, each labeled and ready for transport. Harry looked around the now-empty house, feeling a strange mixture of sadness and closure. This house, once a symbol of the past, would now become part of their new future.

As he stood in the doorway, Harry took a deep breath. Everything was ready. The books, supplies, and writing materials were packed, the house was cleared, and Astaria was waiting.

The magical world was on the brink of a new beginning, and Harry was leading them toward it.

With a final nod to the empty house, he shrank the last trunk, tucked it into his pocket, and stepped outside into the brisk evening air.

There was still much to do, but they were ready. Astaria awaited them, and soon, they would answer its call.

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