CH 7: A Glimpse of Astaria

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The dim light of dawn filtered through the old curtains of Grimmauld Place, casting long shadows across the library floor. Harry sat at the large oak table, surrounded by parchments filled with notes and diagrams he had sketched over the last several days. Despite all his preparations, one thing still eluded him—a true understanding of Astaria, the new world he was leading his people toward.

He leaned back in his chair, rubbing his temples. The books had given him a wealth of information about the galaxy of Astrunora, but the planet itself remained a mystery. What kind of terrain awaited them? What resources would be available? And most importantly, could it truly sustain an entire magical civilization?

Harry's eyes fell on an open book in front of him—The Secrets of Astrunora, one of the ancient texts Valkor had given him. He had skimmed it before, but now a passage caught his attention again. It mentioned a method of viewing distant worlds through magical projection—something akin to a hologram.

His heart quickened. If this was true, it meant he could see Astaria as it was right now—a living, breathing world, not just a description in old texts.

Flipping through the pages, Harry found the complex diagram he had seen before, one that outlined the spell for unlocking a magical projection embedded within the book. Without hesitation, he placed his wand at the center of the diagram and muttered the incantation, feeling the ancient magic hum beneath his fingers.

The pages of the book began to glow, and suddenly, a beam of light shot upward from the center, filling the room with a soft, radiant glow. Before Harry's eyes, a three-dimensional image of the galaxy materialized. Stars twinkled in the inky darkness, and planets circled their suns in perfect harmony. At the heart of the projection was Astaria—its blue oceans and green continents shimmering in the hologram's light.

Harry leaned in, his breath catching in his throat. Astaria was breathtaking, more beautiful than he had imagined. It was strikingly similar to Earth, yet untouched by time or war, untainted by the destruction that had marred their world.

Using his wand, he zoomed in on the planet, manipulating the image so that he could study its surface. Vast forests sprawled across continents, broken by towering mountains and shimmering lakes. Harry scribbled in his notebook, eyes wide with wonder.

Terrain: Dense forests, large mountain ranges, expansive plains.
Water sources: Freshwater lakes and rivers abundant across all continents.
Climate: Temperate zones similar to Earth, with larger tropical areas toward the southern hemisphere.
Magical energy: Astaria glowed with magic—its ley lines pulsing visibly even through the hologram, stronger than anything Harry had ever seen on Earth.

He manipulated the hologram further, zooming in on specific regions. One valley, nestled between two imposing mountain ranges and surrounded by thick forests, immediately caught his eye. Several ley lines intersected there, creating a concentrated nexus of magical energy.

Possible Settlement Location: Valley between two mountain ranges.
Resources: Access to wood, stone, freshwater, and magical plants.
Defensibility: Natural barriers for protection.
Magical strength: Strong ley line intersection—ideal for a magical community.

The excitement in Harry's chest grew as he noted the possibilities. This valley could be their new home—a place where they could rebuild and thrive.

His attention then shifted to the creatures inhabiting the planet. The projection showed large, winged beasts soaring through the skies—creatures resembling dragons, but sleeker, with glimmering scales. On the ground, land-based creatures moved through the forests and plains, some large and slow, others swift and agile.

Wildlife: Dragon-like creatures in the sky, various magical beasts in forests and plains.
Potential dangers: Unfamiliar magical fauna—could pose a threat or offer valuable resources.

The more Harry studied the hologram, the more his confidence grew. Astaria wasn't just a distant dream—it was real, and it was perfect. The land was fertile, the magic strong, and the creatures abundant. This world wasn't just livable—it was a paradise for magic, a place where their community could flourish.

After what felt like hours, Harry leaned back in his chair, his mind buzzing with possibilities. He waved his wand, and the projection slowly dimmed until it disappeared entirely, leaving him with his detailed notes and sketches.

Harry gazed down at the map of Astaria he had drawn. They could build something incredible here—a thriving magical society, free from the decay and limitations that now plagued Earth. The ley lines would sustain their magic, the land would provide resources, and the creatures... well, they would have to be careful. But that was a small price to pay for a second chance.

Now, he needed to share this information with his allies. The goblins, the creatures, and the wizards who had agreed to join him needed to know what awaited them on Astaria. They had to start preparing for the journey.

The task ahead was enormous. He needed to finish gathering supplies, build the portal, and ensure that everyone who wanted to leave had a place in the exodus. There was still much to be done, but for the first time in weeks, Harry felt something that had been absent for so long.


He stood up, rolling his shoulders as he tucked his notebook under his arm. Tomorrow, he would begin the next phase of his preparations. But tonight, he would allow himself a moment of peace.

He walked to the window, staring out into the quiet evening. The weight of leadership still pressed heavily on him, but now, with a clearer picture of the future, it no longer felt overwhelming. Astaria was out there, waiting for them—a new beginning, a world untouched by darkness.

And Harry Potter would lead them to it.

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