CH 84: A Journey to Howlreach

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* in the Pic ignore the Writings

The morning air was crisp as Harry stood by the window of his manor, taking in the familiar view of Staros one last time before his departure. His backpack lay on the table, packed with everything he might need for the journey ahead: warm clothes for the colder climates, lighter robes for warmer lands, a sturdy notebook, maps of Astaria, potions, and even a few of Neville's health pills—just in case. Though the portals across the continents made travel quick and easy, Harry was determined to explore the world in a more traditional way.

He wanted to truly experience the land, see the sights, and immerse himself in the cultures that had developed across Astaria. And so, with a heart full of anticipation, he slung the bag over his shoulder and set out for the Airship Port.

The bustling city of Arcane Crossroads was already awake, filled with the vibrant energy of a capital on the rise. Merchants were setting up their stalls, children ran through the streets laughing, and wizards and magical creatures moved about, their daily routines unfolding under the early morning sun.

Arriving at the Airship Port, Harry looked up at the massive vessels floating in the sky, tethered only by shimmering chains of magic. The sleek ships were majestic, their sails enchanted to shimmer like stars, catching the light and propelling the airships across Astaria's skies. Harry boarded the airship bound for Howlreach, greeted by the friendly crew who directed him to his seat. He felt a thrill of excitement as the ship gently lifted into the sky, and soon enough, they were soaring high above the continent of Staros.

The view was breathtaking. Below him, forests, mountains, and rivers unfolded like a tapestry, and as they passed over the coastline, Harry watched as the vast ocean shimmered under the sun. The airship glided gracefully over the sea, and within a few hours, the rugged landscape of Howlreach came into view. Towering mountain ranges stretched toward the horizon, their peaks capped with snow, and dense forests blanketed the valleys below. It was a wild, untamed land, full of mystery and danger.

As the airship descended, Harry could see the capital city, Lupenor, nestled at the foot of a massive mountain range. The city's stone buildings were carved directly from the mountainside, giving it a natural, earthy feel. The architecture was imposing yet beautifully crafted, with towering spires and sturdy walls that spoke of a people who valued strength and resilience.

When the airship docked, Harry disembarked and was immediately greeted by Keldor Greyhawk, the leader of the werewolves, standing tall and imposing with his signature sharp-toothed smile.

"Welcome to Lupenor, Harry," Keldor greeted warmly, gripping his arm in a firm handshake. "It's good to have you here."

"Thanks, Keldor," Harry said, smiling back. "I've been looking forward to seeing your homeland for a long time."

As they walked through the streets of Lupenor, Harry was struck by the city's wild beauty. The werewolf capital had a raw, primal energy, with thick trees growing within the city, their branches twisting around buildings as if the forest and the city were one. The streets were alive with activity, werewolves in both human and wolf forms going about their day—some working in shops, others training in combat, and children running through the streets in playful wolfish forms.

Keldor gave Harry a grand tour, showing him the Hall of the Moon, a towering building carved from the side of the mountain where the werewolf council met during full moons. The building had an ancient, sacred feel to it, its walls adorned with intricate carvings depicting wolves and moon phases. They passed through the markets, where merchants sold everything from enchanted furs to silver-crafted jewelry. The city was vibrant, filled with the scent of pine and fresh mountain air.

Harry was especially captivated by the Werewolf Warriors—elite protectors of Howlreach—training in the open grounds near the city's edge. They practiced their transformations seamlessly, shifting between human and wolf forms in seconds, their strength and agility on full display. It was clear that Lupenor was a place where the connection to their primal instincts was celebrated and honed.

As the day wore on, Keldor invited Harry to join his family for dinner at his mountain manor. The meal was a hearty feast of roasted meats, fresh vegetables, and spiced ale. Around the table, Keldor's family shared stories of their homeland, recounting tales of fierce battles with rival packs and the close-knit bond that united the werewolves of Howlreach. It was a warm, welcoming evening, and Harry felt a deep sense of gratitude for the hospitality.

After dinner, Keldor led Harry to a guest room at his manor. The room was cozy, with stone walls lined with thick furs and a large window that looked out over the forest below. As Harry settled in, he pulled out his notebook and began writing down everything he had experienced that day—the towering city of Lupenor, the raw beauty of the werewolf lands, and the strength of the people who called it home. He wrote of the unity he had witnessed, the connection to nature, and the pride that radiated from Keldor and his family.

With the moon hanging low in the sky, casting a pale glow over the mountains, Harry finished his entry, feeling a sense of accomplishment. This was just the beginning of his journey, and he knew that each new continent would bring with it new adventures, new discoveries, and new friendships.

As he closed the notebook and placed it on the bedside table, Harry gazed out the window one last time before falling into a deep, restful sleep, ready for whatever the next day in Howlreach would bring.

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