CH 11: The Council of Astaria

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The day of the final meeting had arrived, and with it, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. Harry stood in the center of the Great Hall at Hogwarts, his nerves steady but his mind racing. Today, the future of the magical world would be decided. The leaders who had agreed to join the exodus to Astaria were gathering once again, and now they would determine how their new society would be built.

The Great Hall had been transformed into a council chamber, its enchanted ceiling reflecting the bright, clear sky outside. Around the large, round table sat the leaders of magical creatures and wizarding communities from across the world. They were joined by Harry's allies—Draco, Neville, Luna, the Weasley twins, Theo Nott, Daphne Greengrass, and many others—each representing different groups and factions.

Harry stood at the head of the table, a large, detailed map of Astaria spread out before him. Over the past few days, Harry had used the holographic projection to create this map, capturing every detail of the new planet. Now, it was time to share it.

He waved his wand, and copies of the map appeared in front of each leader. The map was enchanted, showing the layout of Astaria's continents, rivers, forests, and mountains, with ley lines marked out and potential settlement areas highlighted.

"Thank you all for coming," Harry began, his voice calm but resolute. "Today, we decide how we will build our new world—how we will structure our society on Astaria."

The leaders glanced at their maps, studying the details as Harry continued.

"I've spent the last few weeks studying Astaria," he said, pointing to the valley between two mountain ranges. "This valley, here, is where I propose we build our central city. It's a high concentration of ley lines, surrounded by natural barriers, and has access to water and resources. I believe it should be the heart of our new world—a place where all of our cultures and creatures can come together. I suggest we call it Arcane Crossroads."

He paused, letting the name sink in as the leaders murmured their approval.

"Arcane Crossroads will be more than just a city," Harry explained. "It will be the center of our government—a place where the leaders of each culture, clan, and species can gather, perhaps once or twice a year, to discuss important matters, pass laws, and maintain peace. This city will represent unity—a place where decisions affecting all of Astaria are made."

The room was filled with nods of agreement as Harry continued.

"Now, let's discuss the settlement of the other continents. Each culture, species, and magical community will have their own territory, their own land to build and grow. You'll be able to live according to your customs and traditions, but Arcane Crossroads will remain neutral—a meeting place for all."

Harry gestured to the map, where he had marked out potential continents for each group.

The Centaurs had already expressed interest in the vast plains and rolling hills of the southern continent, where they could roam freely and live in harmony with nature.The Veela leader, Sorina, had claimed an island cluster to the east, where the warm climate and abundant magic would suit their people.The Vampires, led by Lucius Drach, were given a continent with deep forests and mountains, a place where they could build secluded cities while maintaining their connection to the magical energy.The Goblins requested a mountainous region rich in minerals and natural resources, where they could continue their craft and maintain their treasure vaults.Other creatures and cultures, from the trolls to the merpeople, were each given territories suited to their unique needs.

The leaders discussed the placements of their cultures, suggesting slight changes and debating the finer details, but ultimately, they all agreed on the general layout of their new world.

Once the map of settlements was finalized, the discussion shifted to the laws and governance of Astaria.

"We'll need laws," Harry said, looking around the room. "But not like the ones we had here. Astaria is a fresh start. We have the chance to create something better—fairer. We should work together to ensure that all magical beings, no matter what their background or species, have a voice in the new world."

The Goblin Lord leaned forward, his sharp eyes glittering. "There must be laws to maintain order, but justice must be swift and fair. Too often, magical creatures were marginalized or mistreated under wizarding laws. That must not happen on Astaria."

Firenze, the Centaur leader, nodded in agreement. "We must respect the laws of nature and balance. Crimes against the land and magic itself should carry the highest penalties."

Harry nodded. "We'll need a system of justice. Each community will govern its own land, but Arcane Crossroads will serve as a neutral court for disputes between cultures. We'll establish a council of leaders to oversee matters of justice."

They discussed punishments for crimes—everything from theft to the misuse of magic. For serious offenses, such as murder or the use of dark magic, the leaders agreed that punishment should be severe, but Harry was adamant that there would be no Dementors in their new world. Instead, they would build secure prisons, places where rehabilitation was possible, but where dangerous criminals would be kept from harming others.

"We'll also need schools," Harry said, shifting the conversation. "Our children will need to learn not just magic, but how to survive in this new world. We need to teach them the history of where we came from and how to build a better future."

Pomona Sprout, who had been quiet until now, spoke up. "I would be happy to help establish a new school for herbology and magical plants. Astaria's flora is unlike anything we've seen on Earth, and we'll need to understand it if we're going to survive."

Poppy Pomfrey added, "I can organize training for magical healers. With all the new creatures and magical energies we'll be facing, healing magic will be more important than ever."

They discussed the need for multiple schools, each focusing on different aspects of magical education—one for herbology, another for potions, one for combat magic, and others that would teach practical skills like building, farming, and magical creature care.

"We'll need to be adaptable," Luna Lovegood said thoughtfully. "Astaria is full of wonders we can't even imagine yet. Our children will need to learn how to explore and discover without fear."

The leaders nodded in agreement, knowing that their new world would offer challenges, but also incredible opportunities for growth and learning.

As the meeting progressed, Harry also outlined the logistics of their move to Astaria—the supplies he had gathered, the trunks filled with food, books, tools, and personal belongings.

"I've tagged each trunk with its contents," Harry explained, waving his wand and revealing a series of trunks that appeared on the side of the room. "Every leader will receive their share of supplies. The Goblins will manage the financial resources, and I've ensured that every group will have what they need to start."

He distributed several more trunks to each leader, explaining their contents and the systems he had organized to keep everything running smoothly. The leaders were impressed by the thoroughness of Harry's planning, and one by one, they expressed their gratitude.

Finally, after hours of discussion, the meeting drew to a close. Harry looked around the room, seeing the determination and hope in the eyes of each leader. The map of Astaria lay before them, representing the future they were about to build together.

"We meet here today not just as leaders, but as the founders of a new world," Harry said, his voice filled with quiet pride. "In two weeks, we'll begin our journey. We'll leave this dying world behind and step into the unknown—but we'll do it together."

The room was silent for a moment, the weight of Harry's words sinking in. Then, one by one, the leaders rose to their feet, ready to embrace the future they were about to create.

Astaria was no longer a distant dream.

It was their new home.

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