CH 71: Waiting and Watching

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As the meeting concluded, the grand Wizengamot Hall slowly emptied, the tension still palpable in the air. Each leader departed for their respective manors, their minds buzzing with the revelations of the day. Harry lingered a moment longer, his thoughts swirling. He knew the gravity of the situation was not something to take lightly.

Before leaving, Harry summoned a group of house-elves. "Deliver food and drinks to the guests in the locked room," he instructed. "Make sure they're comfortable but remain cautious. Also, station two guards outside the door at all times, rotating shifts every few hours."

The house-elves nodded eagerly, ready to carry out his commands with their usual diligence.

As Harry made his way back to his manor, he felt a weight pressing on him. The arrival of Ron, Hermione, and the others had stirred a mix of emotions—relief, confusion, and a nagging sense of unease. When he finally arrived, Sirius was waiting for him, seated in the grand study, a glass of firewhiskey in hand.

"How did it go?" Sirius asked, his tone more serious than usual, sensing Harry's unease.

Harry sat down across from him, letting out a long sigh. "Ron and Hermione showed up... with a group of wizards and witches from the old world."

Sirius raised an eyebrow. "What? How?"

"That's the thing. They found some ancient spell, performed a ritual, and somehow appeared here, in Arcane Crossroads. Hermione explained that magic had all but died in our old world... and that the muggles destroyed everything. They barely survived."

Sirius took a slow sip of his drink, his expression growing more concerned. "And you locked them up?"

Harry nodded. "Not in a prison, but in a secure room. We need to make sure they aren't carrying any dangers with them. The leaders agreed we should be cautious."

Sirius leaned back in his chair, eyes thoughtful. "You did the right thing. We can't risk everything we've built here. But it's still Ron and Hermione... We need to know more about what happened to them."

"We'll figure it out," Harry said, though his mind was still restless. "For now, they're being well looked after. Food, drinks, everything. We just need time to decide the next steps."

Sirius clapped a hand on Harry's shoulder, offering a rare moment of reassurance. "We'll get to the bottom of this. Tomorrow's another day. Let's eat and rest. You'll need a clear head."

The two of them had dinner together, the tension from the meeting slowly easing as they shared stories from their past. The familiar comfort of Sirius's company helped steady Harry's nerves, but as they finished their meal and retired for the night, Harry couldn't shake the thoughts of what tomorrow would bring.

Meanwhile, in the locked room, Ron and Hermione POV:

Hermione sat on the edge of a cushioned bench, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. She stared at the tray of food that had been delivered by the house-elves, steam still rising from the dishes. Ron paced back and forth, the room feeling both safe and suffocating at the same time.

"This is better than I expected," Ron muttered, his eyes darting toward the guards stationed just outside the locked door. "But still... I don't like being stuck here like prisoners."

"They're being cautious," Hermione said, her voice soft but steady. "I understand why. They don't know what we've been through... what we've brought with us."

"I just wish Harry would talk to us, explain everything," Ron grumbled, his pacing slowing as he finally sat down next to her.

Hermione glanced around the room, taking in the enchanted walls and softly glowing lights. It was nothing like the cold, dark caves they had hidden in during the final days on Earth. Here, everything was warm and inviting, but it didn't chase away the feeling of unease that clung to her.

"We need to be patient," Hermione said, though she shared Ron's frustration. "Harry will come. He'll explain everything in time."

The others in the room were slowly growing more comfortable as well, though the edge of tension still lingered. Some were already eating, others whispered quietly to each other, still processing the shock of their arrival in this strange new world.

Ron reached for a piece of bread, tearing it apart absentmindedly. "Do you think we made the right choice? Using that spell?"

Hermione sighed, looking at her hands. "We didn't have a choice. There was nothing left for us there. At least here... we have a chance."

Ron nodded, though the doubt lingered in his eyes. "I just hope Harry doesn't think we're bringing trouble."

"He won't," Hermione said softly, though a flicker of doubt crossed her mind as well. "At least... I hope he doesn't."

As they sat there in silence, the weight of the journey they had endured finally settling over them, the reality of their situation became clearer. They were safe for now, but what the future held was still uncertain.

Back at Harry's Manor:

As Harry lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, he couldn't stop thinking about what came next. He trusted Hermione and Ron, but this world they had created was delicate, and even the slightest disturbance could unravel everything.

The next few days would be critical. Decisions had to be made. Trust had to be earned.

And Harry couldn't help but wonder: What had they truly brought with them from the old world?

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