CH 78: The Hidden Potential

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Harry strolled through the gardens of Arcane Crossroads, his thoughts preoccupied with the future of Staros. Despite the overwhelming success of everything they had built so far, Harry couldn't shake the feeling that there were still countless challenges ahead. His mind wandered from the grand plans for expanding the continent to the more personal stories of the people who had come to this world, each bringing their own strengths—and their own struggles.

As Harry rounded the corner of the park near the school, he noticed a young boy sitting alone on a bench, fidgeting with a deck of cards. The boy's movements were quick and skillful, flipping cards between his fingers and making them disappear into thin air. Harry paused, intrigued by the sleight of hand.

"Impressive trick," Harry said, approaching the boy with a friendly smile.

The boy looked up, startled, his bright green eyes wide with surprise. "Oh, uh, thanks," he stammered, quickly shuffling the cards back into the deck. He was probably no more than ten years old, with messy brown hair and a nervous energy that radiated from him.

"What's your name?" Harry asked, sitting down next to him.

"Connor," the boy replied, looking at Harry with curiosity.

Harry watched him closely for a moment, sensing something beneath the surface. "Do you go to the academy, Connor?"

Connor nodded slowly, but there was a hesitation in his response. "I, um, I go to Flowering Dawn. But... I'm not really good at magic."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Not good at magic? Or something else?"

Connor fidgeted with the cards again, his eyes lowering to the ground. "I'm... I'm a squib," he finally admitted in a whisper, his voice filled with a mix of fear and shame. "I've been hiding it. Doing tricks with these cards so no one notices."

Harry's heart sank at the boy's confession. He knew all too well how hard it was for someone to feel left out in the magical world, especially a child. Squibs had always struggled with finding their place among wizards, and it seemed even in this new world, that challenge still persisted.

But Harry also knew there was something he could do.

"Connor, there's something I want to try," Harry said gently, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder. "You might not have been able to use magic in the old world, but here, things are different. We have new possibilities."

Connor looked up, confused. "But I don't have magic."

Harry smiled. "Maybe not yet. Come with me."

Without another word, Harry led Connor through the city streets to Neville's experimental greenhouse, a place where plants and magic intertwined in ways few could understand. Neville was there, tending to a rare bloom when Harry approached.

"Neville," Harry greeted, catching his friend's attention. "I need your help."

Neville looked up from his work and smiled. "What can I do for you, Harry?"

Harry explained the situation briefly, mentioning Connor's lack of magical ability and his suspicion that there might be something they could do for the boy. Neville's expression grew thoughtful, and he motioned for them to follow him deeper into the greenhouse.

"I've been working on something that might help," Neville said, reaching into a small, enchanted case where he kept his most prized creations. He pulled out a small vial containing a glowing pill. "This is a Spirit Awakening Pill. It's designed to help those with weaker or dormant magical roots to enhance their abilities. We've had some success with it already, but we've never tried it on a squib before."

Connor looked nervous but intrigued. "What will it do?"

Neville smiled reassuringly. "If it works, it will awaken the magic inside you, Connor. It won't be instant, but you'll feel it soon enough."

Harry knelt down beside Connor, handing him the pill. "Trust me, Connor. You're not alone in this. I believe you have magic in you—it's just waiting to be unlocked."

Connor hesitated for only a moment before taking the pill and swallowing it. Harry waited, holding his breath as the boy's expression shifted. For a few seconds, nothing seemed to happen. But then, a soft glow appeared around Connor, faint at first, but growing stronger.

Harry smiled, reaching into his cloak and pulling out a wand. "Here," he said, offering it to Connor. "Take it."

Connor looked at the wand, wide-eyed. "But... I don't know how to use it."

Harry's voice was calm and confident. "You're a wizard, Connor. You can use it now. Just try."

With trembling hands, Connor took the wand. His grip was unsure at first, but as soon as his fingers wrapped around it, a surge of energy coursed through him. His eyes widened in awe as he felt the magic stirring within him for the first time.

"Now, give it a wave," Harry encouraged.

Connor hesitated only a moment longer before raising the wand and giving it a small flick. To his amazement, a bright, glowing light shot from the tip, casting soft, shimmering beams across the room.

"I... I did it," Connor whispered, disbelief and joy mixing in his voice.

Harry smiled broadly. "Yes, you did. You're a wizard, Connor."

Neville watched with pride as the boy's face lit up with excitement, his newfound magic coursing through him. "You'll still need training," Neville said, stepping forward, "but with this, you'll be able to attend the academy just like the other students. No more tricks."

Connor's face flushed with happiness, the burden he had been carrying for so long lifted in an instant.

"Thank you," Connor said, his voice choked with emotion as he looked at Harry and Neville. "Thank you so much."

Harry put a hand on the boy's shoulder. "You don't have to hide anymore, Connor. You're exactly where you belong."

As Connor dashed out of the greenhouse, his excitement still palpable, Harry and Neville watched him go, both smiling at the boy's newfound sense of belonging. The glow of magic that now radiated from Connor's wand was nothing short of miraculous, a symbol of the endless possibilities in Astaria.

Once Connor was out of sight, Harry turned to Neville, his expression softening into something more contemplative.

"If we had this pill in the old world," Harry began, his voice quieter now, "a lot of Squibs would have magic. So many people... they wouldn't have had to live in the shadows. They could've been part of our world in ways they never got to experience."

Neville nodded solemnly, understanding the weight of Harry's words. "Yeah... I've thought about that, too. So many people we knew, born without magic but with so much potential... We could have changed their lives."

Harry's gaze grew distant, thinking of people like Filch or his own Aunt Petunia, who had harbored bitterness toward magic due to her inability to wield it. "Maybe things would've been different," he murmured. "For a lot of people."

Neville placed a reassuring hand on Harry's shoulder. "But we're here now, Harry. We have this chance—to make sure no one else gets left behind. That's what matters."

Harry met Neville's eyes, a spark of determination returning to his own. "You're right. This is our second chance, and we're going to make the most of it."

They stood there for a moment longer, the weight of the past fading as they focused on the future they were building in Astaria—a future where no one would ever be denied their potential again.

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