CH 25: A New Currency and the Future of Education

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A month had passed since the completion of their manors, and it was time for the second major council meeting of the leaders. Though the government buildings in Arcane Crossroads were nearing completion, the meeting was held in the grand hall of Harry's newly built manor. The room was elegant yet warm, reflecting Harry's personality and offering a comfortable space for the crucial discussions ahead. As the leaders gathered, Ramon, the council's scribe, took his seat at the head of the table, ready to document every important detail.

Dawn to Dusk Academy Presentation

Harry stood before the gathered leaders, ready to unveil his vision for the Dawn to Dusk Academy of Magic. He laid out a detailed map showing the school's proposed location—nestled between ancient forests and near a vast ocean, the perfect spot to harmonize with nature's magic. His excitement was palpable as he explained the academy's philosophy: a place where students would learn not only the craft of magic but also how to balance the light and darkness within them.

"The school will welcome magical beings of all kinds," Harry said, his voice filled with purpose. "Humans, spirits, creatures, hybrids—it will be a place of unity where everyone can learn to live and grow together."

The leaders nodded in appreciation, offering their own ideas for how the school could thrive:

Neville suggested advanced herbology courses that would integrate the unique flora of Astaria.Luna eagerly proposed a magical creature study where students could interact with and learn from the rare creatures they had encountered in Astaria.Theo Nott mentioned the importance of teaching combat magic and strategy, not only to defend but to promote a deeper understanding of the responsibilities that come with wielding power.Isabel Star emphasized the need for classes that focused on elemental magic and how students could draw from nature's forces, ensuring they maintained harmony with the elements around them.

As each suggestion was voiced, Ramon swiftly documented the contributions, making sure that nothing was missed. Harry was thrilled with the collaborative energy. The school was evolving beyond his vision, becoming a true reflection of their united world.

The Question of Currency

With the academy plans beginning to take shape, the leaders shifted their attention to another critical topic: the economy. They all knew they needed to standardize the currency to avoid chaos in their growing community.

The goblins stepped forward, unveiling a new form of currency. They placed thin golden slabs on the table, each one gleaming under the room's light with small puncture holes in each corner. The slabs were sleek, compact, and radiated an air of importance.

"These will be the new standard," the goblin leader explained. "The slabs are durable, easier to carry than coins, and can represent various values depending on their size and enchantments. We can also repurpose the old Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts by melting them down and reforming them into slabs. Nothing will go to waste."

The leaders examined the golden slabs, impressed by their practicality and the ingenuity of the goblins. There was unanimous agreement to move forward with this new system. However, Draco raised an important point: "What about larger transactions? The slabs are convenient, but for massive exchanges, won't they be cumbersome?"

The goblins anticipated this concern. "For high-value transactions, we propose the use of bank notes. These enchanted paper notes or scrolls will represent sums too large for slabs—millions or more. The notes will be magically secure, impossible to forge, and easy to carry."

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