CH 77: A New Discovery

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Neville Longbottom paced outside the Ministry building, his fingers tracing the edges of his journal. Inside the worn leather cover, page after page detailed the results of months of research on his experimental island. He had discovered something monumental—the health pills—and today, he was taking the results to Harry. It was a big moment, and despite his usual calm demeanor, Neville felt a surge of nerves as he waited for the meeting.

As he walked through the entrance of the Arcane Crossroads Ministry, he was greeted by the usual buzz of magical activity. Wizards and witches passed by in colorful robes, discussing the latest developments on the continent. But today, Neville's focus was solely on Harry.

Finally reaching Harry's office, Neville took a deep breath and knocked.

"Come in!" Harry's familiar voice called from the other side.

Neville pushed the door open, revealing Harry seated behind a large desk, a map of Staros spread out in front of him. Harry glanced up with a welcoming smile, gesturing for Neville to sit.

"Neville! Good to see you," Harry said warmly. "What brings you here today?"

Neville sat down and carefully placed his journal on the desk. "I've been working on something... well, something quite big. I've made some discoveries on the island I've been experimenting on, and I think they could change the way we look at magical healing and enhancement."

Harry raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What kind of discoveries?"

Neville opened his journal, flipping through the pages until he found the section on the pills. "I've been working with the plants of Astaria—many of which have properties we never encountered back in the old world. Through experimentation, I've developed a series of pills, each with unique effects on the body and magic."

Harry leaned forward, his interest piqued. "Pills? Like potions, but in solid form?"

"Exactly," Neville said, his confidence growing. "Each one is made by concentrating the magical properties of the plants into small, easy-to-carry forms. I've documented all of them here, along with their uses and effects."

Neville began explaining each pill, starting with the Qi Gathering Pills. He detailed how the pill helped wizards gather magical energy more efficiently, making it easier for them to replenish their power during moments of strain.

Harry listened closely, nodding. "That sounds incredibly useful, especially for students at the academy or those working in high-magic fields."

Next, Neville moved on to the Breakthrough Pills, designed to help wizards overcome magical obstacles and push past the limits of their abilities. "These can be especially helpful when someone is stuck at a bottleneck in their training. I've seen it work with some of the researchers on my team—they've made progress they never thought possible."

Harry's expression shifted from curiosity to outright astonishment as Neville continued. When Neville described the Healing Pills, Harry couldn't help but interject.

"Wait—healing pills that can work that fast?" he asked, his eyes wide. "You mean to say we could use these instead of traditional potions for faster recovery?"

Neville nodded. "Yes, and they don't just heal wounds. They can also help with things like meridian damage or even deep internal injuries that usually take much longer to treat."

Harry leaned back in his chair, clearly impressed. "Neville, this is incredible. If what you're saying is true, these pills could revolutionize how we approach healing. Think of the Aurors, the healers—everyone would benefit."

Neville smiled, feeling the weight of Harry's praise. "That's what I thought too. But there's more."

He explained the Soul Nurturing Pills, designed to strengthen a wizard's spirit and mental resilience, and the Spirit Awakening Pills, which had already shown potential in helping those with weaker magical roots to enhance their abilities.

By the time Neville reached the Purification Pills and the Body Tempering Pills, Harry was almost speechless.

"These could help us in so many ways," Harry said, leaning forward again. "Especially for wizards who are trying to refine their skills or push their limits. And the Body Tempering Pills—those would be perfect for training programs. We've been looking for ways to make our defenses stronger, especially with the unknowns in this new world."

Neville flipped to the last page of his notes. "And finally, I've been working on the Tribulation Resistance Pills. I haven't had the chance to fully test these yet, but they're designed to help a wizard withstand magical tribulations—like those connected to natural magical disasters or even magical trials of strength."

Harry sat in silence for a moment, processing everything Neville had told him. "This... this is extraordinary, Neville. These pills could push the boundaries of what's possible for us. How do you want to proceed?"

Neville hesitated. "I wanted to show them to you first. I trust you to help figure out how best to distribute them, if at all. These pills are powerful, and while they can do a lot of good, I'm also cautious about them falling into the wrong hands."

Harry nodded thoughtfully. "You're right. Something like this would need to be carefully controlled. We don't want anyone abusing the power these pills hold. But we also can't ignore the benefits they could bring to the magical community."

"I thought we could start by introducing them at Dawn to Dusk Academy," Neville suggested. "Controlled trials, used only by the healers and a few select students. We can study their long-term effects and make sure they're safe before releasing them more widely."

Harry grinned. "That sounds like a solid plan. I'll talk to the academy's healers and see how we can begin the trials. And maybe we can work with some of the Aurors as well. The possibilities here are endless, Neville."

The two friends sat for a while longer, discussing the finer details of how to integrate the pills into the wizarding world, each idea sparking new possibilities for how Astaria could benefit from Neville's incredible discoveries.

As Neville left Harry's office that afternoon, his heart felt lighter. His research, born out of curiosity and a love for plants, had turned into something far more impactful than he ever imagined. With Harry's support, Neville knew his work was about to take on a life of its own, shaping the future of magical healing and progress in Astaria.

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