CH 80: Trouble in the New World

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Harry sat at his desk in his manor, reviewing plans for the expansion of the northern islands when there was a knock at the door. Before he could respond, a familiar figure stepped inside—one of the Aurors stationed in Arcane Crossroads.

"Mr. Potter," the Auror said, his face tense. "We've apprehended someone causing a disturbance in the city. You'll want to see this."

Harry frowned, standing up from his desk. "Who is it?" he asked, already sensing something wasn't right.

The Auror hesitated before speaking. "It's... Delores Umbridge."

Harry's heart sank. Of all the people from the old world, he had hoped that Umbridge would have kept to herself, but he should have known better. She was always one to stir up trouble. He nodded grimly and followed the Auror out of his office, his mind racing with possibilities.

As they walked through the halls of the Ministry building, Harry could feel the tension in the air. It was clear from the Auror's expression that this wasn't a minor incident.

When they arrived at the Ministry's holding cells, Harry found Umbridge standing in the center of the room, her face twisted in that familiar smug expression, though there was a hint of fear in her eyes. She was flanked by two Aurors, both watching her closely.

"Harry Potter," Umbridge sneered, though her voice wavered slightly. "I should have known you'd be the one running things here. This... world is a travesty, and I won't stand for it."

Harry met her gaze coldly. "You've already caused enough trouble in the old world, Umbridge. I won't let you start again here."

Her smirk faltered. "You think you can just silence me? I have rights. I—"

"Take her to the holding cell," Harry ordered, his voice firm. "We'll deal with her later."

The Aurors nodded, grabbing Umbridge by the arms as she struggled and protested. As they dragged her out of the room, her voice echoed through the halls. "You can't do this! You'll regret this, Potter!"

Harry stood in silence, watching her disappear down the corridor. He felt a cold sense of satisfaction. He had no patience for people like Umbridge, especially not in this new world they were trying to build.

But her words lingered in the air, unsettling him. What did she mean by "you'll regret this"?

Harry took a deep breath, pushing those thoughts aside. For now, she was in a holding cell. They would deal with her in time. But for now, justice was coming.


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