CH 31: The Name Appears

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Harry sat down at his desk, his eyes settling on the map of Staros that was laid out before him. The map had become a constant presence in his office, a reminder of the world they were building, but today something was different. His brow furrowed as he leaned closer, his fingers tracing the familiar lines of rivers and forests. Then his hand stopped, hovering over a spot he hadn't noticed before.

Mount Ethereal.

The words were inscribed on one of the mountains, clear and glowing faintly on the parchment. He hadn't named any of the mountains yet, and no one else had access to this particular map. It was as if the mountain had named itself. Harry leaned back in his chair, a sense of wonder creeping over him. The mountain was the tallest on the entire continent—no, in the whole world of Astaria. Its peak stood high above the clouds, majestic and serene.

"Mount Ethereal..." Harry murmured to himself, turning the name over in his mind. There was something powerful, something ancient about it. The mountain had clearly been given significance, though by what or whom, Harry couldn't say.

He thought back to the Guardians—the six protectors who had appeared to them when they had first arrived. Could they have named it? It seemed likely. Harry had sensed their presence guiding him more than once since coming to Astaria, and this felt like their touch.

Before he could dwell on it any longer, a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. Draco Malfoy strode in without waiting for an invitation, his usual air of confidence accompanying him.

"Harry, I've been thinking," Draco began, dropping a rolled-up parchment on the desk in front of him. "We've been doing well establishing the heart of Staros—Arcane Crossroads, the preserves, and the villages. But there's an opportunity we haven't capitalized on yet. Something grander."

Harry raised an eyebrow, already intrigued. Draco had a habit of thinking big, and in this new world, Harry had come to appreciate his vision.

"Go on," Harry said, motioning for Draco to continue.

Draco unrolled the parchment, revealing a carefully drawn plan for a town. The buildings were elegant and ornate, with wide streets lined with tall trees and grand fountains. There were high-end stores, luxury restaurants, and exquisite homes scattered throughout. It was clearly designed for the wealthy, a place where the elite could indulge in the finer things.

"I call it Elysium Heights," Draco said with a hint of pride. "A place for those who desire luxury. It would cater to the wealthiest witches and wizards—people who want something more than just a home. It would have high-end stores, restaurants, private clubs, everything you'd expect from a city of elegance. Think of it as the Diagon Alley for the elite, but on a much grander scale."

Harry studied the design for a moment, impressed by Draco's attention to detail. The layout was thoughtful, blending beauty with practicality. Elysium Heights wasn't just a town for the wealthy—it was a statement, a place where magic and luxury could coexist seamlessly.

"And you think this is something Staros needs?" Harry asked, leaning back in his chair.

Draco nodded confidently. "Absolutely. We've already got the heart of Staros with Arcane Crossroads, and places like Whimsy Hollow and Everwood are coming along nicely. But we need a place for people who can afford more, who want something exclusive. It would attract investors, artisans, high-end retailers, and the like. Plus, it gives us a way to keep the economy flowing while providing something unique."

Harry couldn't deny that the idea had merit. Draco was right—there would be people who wanted more than a quiet village or a cozy town. Elysium Heights would draw those looking for something grander, something more refined. And, in a way, it would complete the tapestry of Staros, offering a place for every kind of witch and wizard.

"I like it," Harry finally said, smiling slightly. "It's ambitious, but I think it could work. The only question is, where do you want to build it?"

Draco leaned over the map, pointing to a spot just north of Arcane Crossroads. It was an elevated area, nestled between two gentle hills, overlooking a vast plain that stretched toward the coast. It would provide stunning views, making it the perfect location for the elegant town Draco envisioned.

"Here," Draco said, tapping the map with his finger. "Close enough to Arcane Crossroads to remain connected, but far enough to feel exclusive. Plus, the view from here is unmatched."

Harry nodded, the idea already taking root in his mind. "Alright, Draco. Let's do it. Start planning the construction, and I'll help you with whatever resources you need."

Draco smirked, clearly pleased with Harry's approval. "You won't regret it, Harry. Elysium Heights is going to be magnificent."

As Draco left the room, Harry glanced back down at the map, his gaze once again drawn to Mount Ethereal. He couldn't help but wonder what else this world had in store for them. Every day, it seemed, Astaria revealed something new—some secret or wonder hidden within its vast landscapes. And now, with Elysium Heights on the horizon, it felt like they were just beginning to uncover the full potential of this magical world.

With a satisfied sigh, Harry picked up his quill and began drafting the next steps. There was much to be done, but Staros was becoming everything they had hoped for—and more.

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