CH 73: A New Beginning

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The day had finally come. After days of careful planning and deliberation, Harry stood at the entrance of Summercrest Apartments, his mind heavy with thoughts of the past and future. Today, he was tasked with helping the old-world group settle into their new lives in Staros—a new beginning for them, and for Harry, another step in ensuring that the world they had built remained strong.

Before their arrival, Harry had made sure that everything was in order. Each apartment had been prepared meticulously. Inside, a welcome basket, a letter, and a specially prepared trunk awaited the newcomers. The welcome baskets were filled with essentials: a map of the continent Staros, a list of laws and guidelines, and a few other small items to help them adjust. The letter provided a warm yet informative greeting, outlining what was inside the trunk, which held some of the new currency, books on the flora and fauna of Astaria, and decent furniture to make the space feel more like home.

Later that day, Harry led the old-world group—Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Kingsley, and the others—to the Summercrest Apartments. As they walked, the atmosphere was thick with uncertainty, but there was a growing sense of relief as well. After the interviews and the long wait, it felt good to be moving forward, even if the path was unfamiliar.

When they arrived at the apartments, the group stopped to take in the view. Summercrest Apartments stood tall and sleek, a blend of magical and modern architecture, designed to house those who needed a place in this new world. The building itself was charmed to always appear welcoming, its warm brickwork glowing gently in the setting sun. Each window shimmered with the subtle glow of protective wards, and the doors to each apartment were adorned with enchanted runes for added security.

Harry turned to face them all, his expression serious but kind. "This is where you'll be staying for the time being. Each apartment is fully equipped with everything you'll need to get started. You're free to explore Arcane Crossroads and Staros, but for now, we ask that you take some time to settle in and understand the world you're in."

Ron, looking around at the tall building, couldn't help but let out a low whistle. "Blimey, Harry. You've really thought of everything, haven't you?"

Harry gave a small smile. "We had to. This place is more than just a safe haven—it's your chance to start over. To help build something new."

The group followed Harry as he approached the landlord, Lisa Turpin, a former Ravenclaw who had settled in Staros years ago. She smiled warmly at Harry, her wand flicking through the air as a set of enchanted keys floated toward her.

"Good to see you, Harry," Lisa said. "Everything's ready."

"Thanks, Lisa," Harry replied. "I'll take it from here."

He turned back to the group and gestured for them to gather around. "Before I hand out the keys, I just want to say this: we've come a long way to get to where we are. This world isn't perfect, and it's not the same as what we left behind, but it's ours now. You're part of it. Take this chance to make it your own."

Hermione, Ginny, and the others nodded, still taking in the gravity of what Harry was saying.

"Alright then," Harry continued, handing each person their key. "Go on. Check out your new home."

Hermione's POV

Hermione clutched the key tightly in her hand as she approached her apartment door. The building's magic hummed faintly beneath her fingertips as she unlocked the door and stepped inside. The first thing that hit her was how different it felt from the chaos they had left behind. The space was warm, welcoming, and—most of all—safe.

The apartment itself was modest but beautifully furnished. Plush armchairs sat beside a crackling enchanted fireplace, and the walls were lined with bookshelves that stretched toward the ceiling. A comfortable-looking sofa faced a large window, which overlooked a vibrant courtyard where trees swayed gently in the breeze.

She wandered further in, her eyes landing on the welcome basket sitting on the dining table. It was filled with all sorts of items—a map of Staros, a list of laws detailing the new world's legal system, and even a small box of sweets from the local bakery.

Curious, Hermione picked up the letter that was folded neatly next to the basket. She opened it carefully and began to read:

"Welcome to Staros. Inside your trunk, you will find everything you need to get started: currency, books on the local flora and fauna, and some furniture to help you settle in. Please take your time to explore the city and learn about this new world. We trust you'll make the most of this opportunity. We're here to help if you need it."

Hermione smiled at Harry's handwriting, the neatness of it reminding her of how meticulous he'd always been when he truly cared about something.

She glanced toward the trunk that was placed at the foot of the bed. Opening it, she found coins that sparkled like gold, but instead of Galleons, these were golden slabs, Staros' new currency, with intricate designs etched into the surface. Beside them were several books—one on the flora and fauna of Astaria, and others that described the unique magical properties of the plants and creatures that inhabited this world.

The trunk also held furniture, enough to fill any gaps in the apartment's decor. A small wardrobe, an additional armchair, and a rug that unfurled itself as soon as she touched it, hovering briefly before settling into place in the living room.

She placed the letter back on the table and sank into one of the armchairs. Despite everything, Hermione felt a strange sense of peace. It was as if, for the first time in a long time, they had been given a chance to truly breathe again.

She leaned back and closed her eyes, allowing herself a rare moment of relaxation before standing up to continue exploring her new home.

Meanwhile, Harry's POV

As Harry watched the group disperse to explore their apartments, he made his way over to Lisa Turpin, who handed over the final set of keys. "Thanks again for helping out, Lisa. I know it's a lot to ask on short notice."

"Not at all, Harry. They seem... relieved, in a way. Like they've finally landed somewhere safe."

"That's the goal," Harry replied, glancing at the building. "But we're going to keep an eye on them. Just in case."

Lisa nodded in understanding, knowing that trust, especially in these circumstances, was something that had to be built carefully. "I'll make sure the wards are active. They'll be well-protected here."

"Good," Harry said. "I'm counting on it."

With everything in place, Harry gave the group one last look before heading back to his own manor. He had done all he could for now—the rest would be up to them.

Hermione's POV (continued)

After finishing her initial exploration, Hermione sat back down on the sofa, staring out the window at the peaceful courtyard. Despite everything, despite the chaos and loss they had faced, there was something here—something that felt like a new beginning.

Her thoughts wandered back to the underground hideout, to the endless days of fear and uncertainty. It seemed so far away now, almost like a different life. But now they had a chance. A chance to build something new, to rebuild what they had lost. And for the first time in a long time, Hermione felt hope.

She glanced over at the basket and smiled, already thinking about what this new world might hold for them.

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