CH 4: A New Horizon

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The next morning, Harry wasted no time. After a restless night filled with dreams of ley lines and ancient magic, he awoke with renewed determination. His research had provided him with an unsettling truth: magic was dying, and the earth was on the brink of losing its most vital essence. But the question still haunted him—was it too late to save it?

Harry spent the early hours conducting more experiments in Grimmauld Place's garden. He used a variety of spells he'd read about the day before, testing the air, water, and earth for any remaining signs of magical stability. Each test yielded the same result: the magic around him was thin, brittle, and rapidly deteriorating. Even the once-pure water from the nearby creek now carried a strange, lifeless quality. It was clear now—the damage was too severe.

The world wasn't salvageable.

Harry stood under the grey morning sky, staring at the soil beneath his feet, his chest tight with frustration. He had hoped there might still be a way, some ancient spell or forgotten ritual that could reverse the damage done, but the truth was staring him in the face. Earth's magic was bleeding out, and no amount of patchwork could save it in time.

Returning to the library, Harry set aside his notes on ley lines and magical sites. It was no use now. What he needed was a way out. A place where magic could continue to exist, where witches, wizards, and magical creatures could survive without fear of the impending collapse of their world.

He leaned back in his chair, his mind racing. He needed a new planet. A new home for magic.

Harry began poring through the old books he hadn't yet touched, looking for any mention of other worlds or realms. Ancient texts spoke of alternate dimensions, lost realms of magic, but they were either too vague or impossible to access. Then his eyes fell on an obscure book near the back of the shelf, covered in dust and leather-bound. It had no title on the spine, but something about it called to him.

He pulled the book down and opened it. The pages were filled with maps and star charts, drawings of galaxies far beyond the reach of the magical world he knew. The further he read, the more the book spoke of distant planets, places where magic was not only possible but abundant. Harry's heart quickened as he turned to a chapter near the middle of the book.

At the top of the page, the word "Astrunora" was written in bold, ancient script. It was a galaxy—a galaxy long forgotten by modern magical society, untouched by time or war. The description was brief but filled with promise. It was rumored to be home to several habitable planets, but one in particular caught Harry's eye: Astaria.

Astaria, the book explained, was much like Earth in its early days—a planet of lush greenery, vast oceans, and a perfect balance of nature and magic. It was an unspoiled world, untouched by human hands or dark magic. More importantly, it was a place where magic could thrive.

Harry's breath caught in his throat as he read the passage over and over again. This was it. A place where he and the magical world could start anew.

Without wasting a moment, Harry began researching further. He pulled out maps and charts, cross-referencing the information he had found in the obscure book with other texts that spoke of interplanetary travel. Most of the books contained only brief mentions of other galaxies—many dismissed the idea as a myth—but Harry was sure that Astaria was real.

As he continued reading, he discovered that reaching Astrunora would require powerful magic and preparation. The galaxy was far beyond the reach of even the most advanced magical travel methods used by wizards today. But there were hints in the text—fragments of ancient spells and forgotten incantations that might open a portal to distant realms, a method once used by powerful wizards of old to explore the stars.

Harry furiously took notes, scribbling down every spell, every rune, every fragment of knowledge that could help him reach Astrunora. He would need to create a portal large and stable enough to transport not just himself, but every witch, wizard, and magical creature willing to make the journey. It was a monumental task, but Harry had no choice. If he stayed on Earth, magic would die, and with it, everything he had fought for.

His list of supplies grew longer:

Rare magical stones: To stabilize the portal.Ancient runes: Needed to open a gateway large enough for a mass exodus.Books on intergalactic magic: To better understand the process of traveling to another galaxy.Protective potions and enchantments: To ensure the safety of those making the journey.

He knew this was only the beginning. Astaria could be the answer to everything—a fresh start for the magical world. But there was still much he didn't know. Would Astaria truly be as habitable as the books claimed? Would it have the resources they needed to rebuild a magical society? And, perhaps most troubling of all, would they even be able to survive the journey?

Harry shook his head, forcing the doubts aside. He had no choice but to try. Earth was lost, but there was still hope out there in the stars.

The rest of the day was spent poring over the newfound information on Astrunora and Astaria. Harry's table was soon covered in scrolls, notes, and ancient maps. The deeper he dug, the more he learned about the magic that fueled distant planets. Astaria wasn't just any world; it had a unique connection to magic itself, much like Earth had once had. If they could reach it, they could thrive there.

Harry's excitement grew, but so did the enormity of the task. Setting up a portal to another galaxy, even one mentioned in ancient texts, was dangerous and complicated. He needed more information, more spells, more power than he currently had at his disposal. The idea of building something this large was overwhelming, but he couldn't afford to hesitate. The magical world was running out of time.

As the day turned to evening, Harry closed the book on Astaria and stared at his notes. He had learned a great deal, but there was still much to do. Tomorrow, he would need to gather the materials and make preparations. He would have to reach out to magical suppliers for rare items, and perhaps even visit some of the ancient magical sites still left on Earth to gather the power he would need for the portal.

But for now, he needed rest. His mind buzzed with possibilities as he tidied up the library and made his way upstairs. Tomorrow would be another day of work—another step closer to the stars.

He lay down in bed, his thoughts racing. The weight of the world still pressed down on him, but there was hope now. Astaria was out there, waiting for them—a new beginning, a place where magic could live on.

And Harry Potter would make sure they got there.

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