CH 72: Testing the Past

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The morning air was crisp as Harry, Draco, Theo, and Daphne made their way to Wizengamot Hall, their thoughts heavy with the task ahead. After the sudden reappearance of Ron, Hermione, and the others from the old world, they knew these interviews were critical. Trust, especially in this fragile new world, had to be earned, and today would be about gauging intentions.

Each of them took a separate meeting room, bare except for two chairs, a small wooden table, and a recording device. There would be no distractions, only the truth—revealed in answers and reactions.

"Let's get started," Harry muttered to himself, mentally preparing for the long day ahead.

Harry's Interviews:

Harry's first interviewee was Ron, who stepped into the room looking uncomfortable but resolute. He sat down and gave Harry a sheepish grin.

"I know this is weird," Ron admitted, scratching the back of his head. "But I get why you have to do it."

Harry nodded. "We have to be careful, Ron. Everything's different now. We need to know where everyone stands."

The two talked for nearly an hour, discussing life underground, how they had survived after the magical collapse, and the desperation that had led them to cast the spell that brought them here. Ron's honesty was refreshing, and Harry could feel some of his initial unease fading.

Next, Hermione walked in, looking more composed than Ron but still visibly on edge. Her eyes darted to the recording device before meeting Harry's.

"I suppose you're going to ask me everything," she said, half-smiling.

"You know I have to," Harry replied gently. "We need to know everything about how you got here."

Hermione went over the same details, but with her usual precision. She explained how she had led the group underground, scavenging through old wizarding archives in Gringotts to survive. Her voice wavered when she described how desperate things had become, but there was a fire in her eyes—one Harry recognized well.

After Hermione, Ginny entered. She met Harry's gaze, determined yet weary.

"I'm not here to fight you, Harry," she said before sitting down. "I just want to know if we have a place here."

They talked about the battle for survival back home, how Ginny had tried to rally those left behind, and the heartbreak of realizing they couldn't stay. She had fought for as long as she could, and the weight of that struggle still hung over her.

Finally, Kingsley Shacklebolt came in, his expression as calm and measured as always.

"You've built something extraordinary here," Kingsley said after a brief silence. "I understand why you're cautious."

Kingsley detailed the collapse of the Ministry, how both the magical and muggle worlds spiraled out of control, and how his efforts to unite the remnants had ultimately failed. There was no bitterness in his voice, just a quiet acceptance of what had happened.

Draco's Interviews:

Draco's turn came next. He approached his task with calculated calm, though the familiar faces before him made the process tense. He questioned Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, and two others, probing for any sign of lingering resentment or hidden motives.

His conversation with Seamus, in particular, was filled with old rivalries that had clearly not faded entirely. But in the end, both men acknowledged that their survival depended on leaving the past behind.

Dean, ever the practical one, expressed gratitude for the second chance but shared the frustrations they had endured before escaping the ruins of the wizarding world.

Theo's Interviews:

Theo's first interviewee was Percy Weasley, who had always been formal and reserved. Theo could tell Percy was uncomfortable with the situation, but he remained composed.

"None of us expected this," Percy admitted. "But we'll do whatever it takes to integrate."

Theo listened carefully, picking up on the subtleties in Percy's tone. He knew Percy was a man of duty, but also one who valued order. They discussed what had happened in the Ministry's final days, and Percy's sense of guilt over not being able to stop the downfall was evident.

Theo's other interviews followed a similar pattern, and while none of his interviewees raised significant concerns, Theo made sure to ask pointed questions about their expectations in this new world.

Daphne's Interviews:

Daphne, with her signature poise, handled her interviews with a calm, analytical approach. She questioned Xenophilius Lovegood and others who had always lived on the fringes of wizarding society.

Xenophilius was, as always, eccentric but harmless, talking at length about magical theories that bordered on fantastical. Still, Daphne knew better than to underestimate his intelligence. She asked him what he planned to contribute to this new world, and while his answers were whimsical, he seemed genuinely eager to help.

By late afternoon, the four interviewers gathered again in Wizengamot Hall. The leaders had assembled, ready to hear their findings.

Each interview was presented in turn, with recordings playing for the leaders to hear. The interviewees' perspectives were laid bare, their hopes and concerns echoing through the hall. After hours of review and discussion, the leaders reached a decision.

Harry stood before the room, looking out at both the leaders and his old friends. "We've decided to place you in Summercrest Apartments," he announced. "You'll be close enough to integrate with the city, but we'll be keeping an eye on things. This is a second chance for everyone, but we have to ensure the safety of what we've built."

There was a collective sigh of relief from the old-world group, but the air was still thick with tension. Trust would take time to rebuild, and for now, their past lives would remain under careful watch.

After the meeting ended, Harry and the others left the hall, weary from the day's events. They had taken a crucial step in integrating the past with the future, but the path ahead was still uncertain.

"We'll see how they do," Harry said to Draco as they walked toward the doors.

"Yes," Draco replied, glancing back at the hall. "But let's hope we haven't made a mistake."

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